How to detect foods with gluten?

It is always good to take a little more care and eat healthy to feel less bloated and more energized. This will also influence our mood and our productivity
¿Cómo detectar alimentos con gluten?
Since it was "discovered" a condition known as celiac disease, many food producers began to settle on their product packages "gluten-free" or "gluten-free" label. Much there has been speculation regarding this, especially because the celebrities began to make diets without this element.

He argues quite about the pros and cons of a diet without certain cereals such as, for example, wheat. However, still there is with all the necessary information.

Celiac disease, gluten and more

Gluten is a protein complex formed by two large groups of elements. People with celiac disease may be allergic only to one or both. This disease is classified as a intolerance to gluten which causes very strong in the intestine inflammation.
According to the latest research, all persons are more or less sensitive to gluten, but vulnerable, finally and after. As it can occur with any allergy, patients who produces one nuisance to others there is a pain from time to time and they are those who must stop eating any food containing this protein.
The body reacts to what he considers an attack from a bacterium to a food bad. The same thing happens with the gluten. The Agency operates certain processes of Defense to counteract the effects. The most frequent form is inflammation, which occurs when antibodies come in contact with danger, call it in some way.
The inflammatory reaction occurs in the small intestine and then passes into the bloodstream. This mode expands throughout the body and creates a generalized swelling , albeit slight, but fairly constant. Does not usually it perceive for two reasons:
  1. Because it is very small
  2. Because we're already getting used
Our body is subjected "to the threat" of gluten continuously since, in addition to wheat, is present in the sugars and many carbohydrates we consume on a daily basis as if nothing were to happen. In other words, that the inflammatory process is constant and that is eroding our defences. Not for nothing we get sick from flu or colds continuously, for example.

Assumptions and certainties about gluten

As already mentioned before, many are studies that are conducted to analyze this "new disease" that affects thousands of people throughout the world. For example, a publication of the journal of Neurology, neurosurgery and Psychiatry Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry indicates:
"Cost to humanity two thousand years to realize that there is a food protein that could lead to disease in the intestine, skin and the nervous system. Manifestations of intolerance to gluten affect not only the digestive system, but it may cause neurological problems".
Thus, we can understand that called "celiac disease" is not modern, but arises from the man added to certain foods to your diet. However, we must pay attention, because it makes one or two centuries ago wheat was not the baddie in the film as it is now.
Genetic alterations and the use of chemical pesticides have accelerated the process. It is said that these modifications were needed to feed the millions who we are. However, there are still people dying of hunger, but that's another issue. All plantations have been poisoned with toxins that produce reactions in our body. 100 years ago the wheat contained between 2 and 6% of gluten and today, more than 80%.

Does gluten intolerance have other symptoms?

Unfortunately, Yes. Not only inflammation of the intestines, but also:
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Poor absorption of nutrients
  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Mal de Parkinson
  • Autism
  • Auto-immune disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Migraines
  • Alzheimer's
Included in all these pathologies is the same factor: inflammation. It is good to say that the fault is not entirely gluten, because they affect other factors, but it is true that the intake of certain foods can worsen the situation.

Is it possible to have a diet without gluten?

Yes of course! And much-needed also. Even if the doctor has not diagnosed us celiquia, is always good to take a little more care and eat healthfully. Basically, a diet without gluten (or with a minimal amount) avoid the following foods:
  • Cakes
  • Bread
  • Cookies
  • Biscuits
  • Fast food
  • Processed food
  • Refined flour
  • Refined sugars
  • Soft drinks
Then not you can eat anything! Well, it is not so. There is always more healthy this listing versions of, for example, flours and sugars integral cookies oatmeal, etc. The efforts that we do are very large, that there is no doubt, but also the benefits are enormous, and therefore it is worth.
Once you stop eating these foods you will feel less bloated, with more energy and that will also affect your mood and your productivity. To go to decrease accumulated inflammation, recommended, in addition:
  • Drinking Chamomile infusions
  • Do cold water hydrotherapy
  • Use the geotherapy
  • Apply cold clay poultices
The gluten-free foods include:
  • Dairy
  • Lean meats
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Rice
  • Corn
  • Tapioca
  • Legumes
  • Honey
  • Coffee beans
  • Dried fruits
  • Apple Cider vinegar
  • Spices in branch
  • Herbal tea
Also, it is always good to scan the labels of the foods we buy, to make well sure if contribute or not gluten, especially if you are intolerant to it.
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