Thanks to cinnamon can improve the sensitivity of our organism to insulin and it makes that depend on less of this hormone to regulate blood sugar levels

People who suffer from elevated blood sugar levels must constantly seek ways to control it since, not paying attention, you can end up in a serious consequence as the death. When a person is healthy blood sugar levels should be between 80 to 100 milligrams per deciliter. Glucose is regulated by a hormone called insulin, which is responsible for managing the levels of sugar in the blood. However, people suffering from diabetes do not produce this hormone or create a resistance to it, so it is very difficult to regulate blood sugar levels.
Although a person with diabetes must be on medical control to regulate their blood sugar levels, can also take into account some tips and natural remedies that can help to combat this problem.
Exercise regularly
The blood sugar works as a fuel in the body and how much more effort we make, greater is the fuel you need. A good exercise routine can be key in the fight against high blood sugar levels and can also reduce the needs of insulin when patients are already dependent on it. A good option is to adopt a daily routine of 20 or 30 minutes of exercise.Reducing the consumption of carbohydrates
Any type of food that contributes carbohydrates to the body, in the long run, affects the increase of glucose in the blood. To prevent and combat the high levels of sugar in the blood is recommended to minimize the consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates.Increase the consumption of proteins

The consumption of lean protein, such as bringing the fish, the chicken breast or pork loin, helps reduce the conversion of carbohydrates into glucose in the blood, which makes it easier to control high blood sugar levels.
Eat several times a day
People with high levels of sugar in the blood must eat, at least every two or three hours some kind of healthy food. This is necessary, since this health problem usually causes sudden falls of sugar in the blood, what will make that person feel desire to consume something sweet.Practice relaxation techniques

When a person constantly stressed is it has a high risk of causing the liver to release glycogen in the bloodstream. Glycogen is a secondary storage of glucose which can quickly raise blood sugar levels. If possible, you should practice relaxation techniques and take some time to deal with stress.
Several investigations have determined that cinnamon has a very positive effect in the treatment of diabetes and high blood sugar levels. This so easy to acquire in the market spice can help to improve the sensitivity of the body to insulin and, thanks to this, the body will be less dependent of this hormone to regulate blood sugar levels.Cactus

Several investigations have determined that the Cactus could be very effective in reducing high levels of glucose in the blood. Nopal contains lots of fiber and other substances that control and normalize the metabolism of sugar, so it is ideal for those who suffer from diabetes.
Another herb that should not be missing in the diet of people who have high levels of sugar in the blood is garlic. Found that the constant consumption of this species can reduce the levels of sugar in the blood of patients with diabetes type 1 and type 2. This benefit is that garlic has the ability to normalize the metabolism of glucose, and contain some substances that have similar to the insulin action.Onion

An investigation conducted by the University of Gezira, Sudan, determined that eating 100 grams of raw red onion a day can reduce blood sugar levels in the blood of patients with diabetes type 1 and type 2. This benefit is due to that the onion is rich in flavonoids and brimstone.
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