When manufacturing our own detergent not only we will be protecting the environment, but also our own health and that of our

We all know them: the chemicals that make up our fabric softeners and detergents for washing machine, stand as one of the worst pollutants in our environment. The tv ads sell us the wonders of its fragrance and its effectiveness for removing stains, but would there perhaps is an equally effective alternative and less polluting? Since then! We will explain you.
The benefits of preparing your own eco-friendly detergent

It is not only to find a slightly cheaper alternative. Nor are we talking about start to carry a hippie lifestyle, not at all. What we want is to simply find a way to surround ourselves by healthier items and to take care of our health.
We must bear in mind that there are many harmful substances that pervade our clothes with these soaps, with these detergents. Not only they can be harming our skin and our children, but that little by little, all this amount of chemical elements can long term bring us other diseases of which we are unaware. Not only take care of our planet with this type of natural detergent, but will also take care of our health.
Point out to you that this detergent it is 100% biodegradable, leave our clothes soft and clean, but that Yes, the difference you'll find is that when you take out the clothes washer, you won't feel so characteristic perfume. But it is more natural and healthy, don't worry!
How to make a homemade detergent

What do I need?
- A grater or food processor
- An precision scale to be able to weigh the quantities.
- 75g natural SOAP (Marseilles type for example, tends to be very suitable).
- 1 cup of sodium bicarbonate.
- 1.5 l water
- A large container or a bottle of 2 liters to keep this homemade detergent.
- 20 drops of essential oil, that we want or more we like to include in the detergent, and that thus contributes something smell. Lavender, rose hips...
How do I prepare it?
- Quiet, not going to cost more than 15 minutes. The first thing we will do is grate the tablet of natural SOAP. If you do it by hand it will cost more, why you recommend using the food processor so that you do no harm in your hands.
- What is the next step? Very easy, once grated SOAP, put it on the inside of the container you have chosen. Then also drop the cup of baking soda.
- Now let's heat up the liter and a half of water. You must be boiling, so you should be especially careful to not burn yourself when you do that also pour into this container or bottle you've chosen.
- Do it little by little, to go waving the bottle from time to time so that all the ingredients are mixed. Once mixed, dropped the 20 drops of essential oil. You'll see that it smells very well, because it's a completely natural and eco-friendly detergent. Believe it or not, you have it ready.
- Tell you that after a week you will see that the texture of this detergent will have changed, but don't worry, it remains the same and we can use it to finish it. The amount of detergent that you must put in the washer is the same that you normally use with other industrial SOAP. You see as you get good results!
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