As it is common in our culture, there are many ways to make a recipe as simple as a potato with ham and cheese cake. Each family gets its special touch and we hope that when you already dominéis this recipe, you should do the same and tell it to us!
Option 1: potato cake with ham and cheese (recipe for oven)
- 500 g of potatoes
- 200 g grated cheese
- 4 slices of ham
- Olive oil
- Pepper (optional)

- Peel the potatoes, cut them with a knife into very thin slices and wash them.
- Apart, cover a baking with tracing paper or grease it with olive oil.
- Place the potatoes into the base and sides of the Pan, overlapping them so that they are not hollow.
- Put potato based on a layer of ham and cheese grated on top.
- Cover with another layer of potatoes, ham and cheese and add a final layer of potatoes. Sprinkle with grated cheese.
- Put ground pepper on top (this step is optional).
- Preheat the oven (at the bottom) to 170ºc and bake potatoes with ham and cheese cake for 45 minutes.
- Prick potatoes with a fork to check if they are tender.
Option 2: potatoes with ham and cheese cake (microwave recipe)
- 4 potatoes
- 2 onions
- Ham or bacon
- Slices of cheese melt
- 1 jar of mushrooms
- 30 g of butter
- A drizzle of olive oil
- Salt
- Oregano
- Wash the whole with skin potatoes, prick them several times with a fork and put them in the microwave for 7 minutes. (The time depends on the size of potatoes).
- Place on a tray that you can put in the microwave with butter and oil. Cut the onion in thin slices, take salt and put them in the pan with the mushrooms.
- Cook in the microwave at full power for 5 minutes, stir and return to cook another 5 minutes or until the onions are cooked.
- Separate the onion half and reserve.
- Peel the potatoes and cut them into slices.
- In a pan, put a layer of onion along with the mushrooms, cover it with a layer of potato slices, add salt, the ham or chopped bacon, cheese and oregano.
- Add another just as the previous layer.
- Put in the microwave until the cheese melts.
Option 3: potato cake stuffed with ham and cheese (microwave recipe)
- 3 or 4 potatoes
- 1 onion
- Sliced cheese
- Grated cheese
- Ham (or Turkey or chicken breast)
- 1 egg
- Milk or cream liquid
- Salt and pepper
- Oregano

- Select a microwave Pan that is not very great (or a Pyrex pan. Something that has walls, and you can put in the microwave).
- Peel and cut the potatoes and the onion into very thin slices. Put them in a bowl with salt and pepper and stir well.
- Place mold in a layer of potato and onion to cover the bottom and do not leave gaps.
- Put a layer of cheese slices on top, and cover with a layer of potatoes and onions.
- Put a layer of ham and then another of potatoes and onions.
- Cover the last layer with grated cheese .
- Beat the egg with salt, oregano and a little bit of milk or cream and pour over the cake so that it covers it well.
- Cook in the microwave for about 20 minutes, until potatoes are well done.
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