A beautiful and abundant hair is the dream of all women, since it is the best weapon of seduction for all - without exception-girls, young people and adults; like all and worry about having a healthy hair with shine and looking healthy.
There are different causes for our hair from falling more than normal, among them can be by stress, poor nutrition or hormone or dermatological problems. It also occurs in older people.
What can we do?
There are some natural remedies that you can implement to solve this problem, also are practical and economical.Nutrition
We must be very careful with food, this depends largely on the good health of our hair and skin and nails, since these are made of a protein called keratin, which is produced by our body, and If your hair is weak, it is likely that we are not producing this protein and we must stimulate its production with a good diet.Foods that we should more consume to enhance the production of keratin in our body are dairy products (such as cheese, yogurt and milk -all low fat -), eggs and lean meat.
Vitamin C
The intake of vitamin C is also very important, since it helps to our organism to assimilate the keratin; can often cosumir all kinds of citrus juice, since these are a very good source of this vitamin.
You abuse your hair?
Only you know what treatments and aggressive you have submitted your hair: dyes with ammonia, shampoos with sodium, hairdryers, irons, among others.You could easily replace these products with others less harmful to your hair, as dyes with ammonia by natural colorations such as henna, also in the market there are variety of shampoos and conditioners sodium-free, which they do not much harm your hair, you will also find natural restorative treatments. Remember, try not to use too often the hair dryer and the iron.
What other way can hair loss be stop?
Massages are a good help to strengthen the scalp.You yourself can make you hair massage, which stimulates the hair follicles and helps more healthy and strong growth.
To perform these massages can use coconut milk with a bit of almond oil, mixes them well and then with the fingertip you do a gentle massage throughout the scalp; leave it act for about thirty minutes, and then rinse it with warm water. This treatment can make it three times in the week, this way your hair will be healthy and strong.
If anyway, despite these tips hair is still falling you, the best will be visiting a dermatologist, since your problem may be more serious and you will need the help of a professional.
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