Coconut oil is recognized for the various benefits to our health and beauty. These benefits are due to the large number and diversity of acids beneficial health containing: lauric acid, capric acid and Caprylic acid. These acids have antibacterial properties, antioxidants and fungicides, among others.
For a long time we have heard warnings about the use of this type of fat and damage that can be caused to our health, but several studies have shown that fatty acids containing coconut oil help to prevent severe disease, since they are necessary for the formation and renewal of cells. We know a little more about their benefits.
Decrease your chances of having heart problems
One of the biggest myths that exist is that coconut oil is harmful to the health of the heart. This negativity is due to the large amount of saturated fat containing; However, about 50% of this oil is lauric acid, which helps to reduce cholesterol levels and high blood pressure, at the same time reducing the chance of heart problems.
It improves your immune system
Coconut oil contains acids lauric and capric and Caprylic that help combat fungi, bacteria and viruses. Capacity of lauric acid to combat viruses and bacteria that cause influenza, herpes, Cytomegalovirus, and HIVthat have been demonstrated, is among the most interesting properties. Although he cannot combat HIV when already has been developed, this oil can fight it before the infection and reduces side effects.
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