8 foods to clean the liver naturally

Vitamin C acts as a natural antioxidant. Moderate consumption cleans toxins from the liver and helps us to improve their functioning
8 alimentos para depurar el hígado naturalmente
The liver is the largest organ of our body and its functions are vital to our health, thanks to detoxify all that we eat, breathe, and absorb through our skin. According to the FIH (International Foundation of Hepatitis), this body is which makes the nutrients we consume, power and muscles; stores vitamins and regulates fat stores. For this reason, its good performance depends on the State of health of the person and also the rest of the body.
There are many factors that put at risk the health of the liver, these include high consumption of alcohol, pollutants, excess food, refined carbohydrates, some pain medications, drugs, among others. If you feel identified with any of them and you want to debug your liver in a natural way, today you are going to present 8 special foods that you can consider if you want to improve your liver health and if you want to prevent diseases related to this.


Garlic is rich in allicin and selenium, these two elements are ideal to cleanse the liver and keep it healthy. Also garlic activates enzymes that eliminate toxins, which will help prevent diseases while it cleans this organ that could affect you. Liver is one of the foods most recommended, in addition its consumption will also serve to control cholesterol, improve circulation and increase the defenses. Ideally, consume it in raw form since cooked it loses 90% of effectiveness; You can consume only or you can also add to foods.


Turmeric has several properties that are very beneficial for the liver. According to studies, this plant has substances such as borneol and the turmenona, eugenol, caffeic acid, which function as a great protector of this organ since they cleanse and detoxify, which maintains it in good health.
Its components help the digestion of fat and it is a good remedy for digestion heavy caused by poor nutrition. Take turmeric for jaundice, cirrhosis, and liver disease.

Olive oil

Olive oil protects against oxidative damage of liver tissue, according to studies, this oil as well as the seed of flax and hemp, provide a base of lipids that absorb the toxins so that the body may have better performance; It helps to debug in a natural way and also prevents disease. Its consumption also reduces the risk of coronary artery disease and prevents some cancers; Please add to foods and use it as an alternative to different greases normally used in the kitchen.

Citrus fruits

Jugo de naranja
Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, which works as a natural antioxidant, moderate consumption cleans the liver and prevent many diseases. Citrus fruits most recommended for liver benefits are lemons, limes and oranges.


Almonds are rich in arginine, an amino acid that helps to detoxify, for this reason it is a highly recommended food for livercleaning. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids and Glutathione components, supporting the various functions that the liver naturally cleaned.


Healthy breakfast
Brown rice and other cereals are very beneficial for the liver because of high levels of B-complex vitaminss. through this the liver improves the metabolism of fat, the same decongesting and its function in general; You should use alternatives of wheat instead of white flours you normally eat.

Green leafy vegetables

Vegetables such as lettuce, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, among others, neutralize heavy metals, pesticides and other chemicals that can affect the body. Liver is a good debugger since it helps eliminate toxins and regulates saturated fats that may affect their functioning.

Green tea

Te verde (2)
Green tea and its components help reduce the accumulation of fat in the liver. It contains catechins and antioxidants that away liver disorders and provides a protective effect. Studies show that green tea helps to take care of the liver of the negative effects of toxic substances such as alcohol and prevents inflammations thereof.
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