It is very important that the importance that has to eat well we inculquemos young. Test to include chocolate chips in their fruit salads to make them more appetizing.

Constipation in children is experienced occasionally by parents with a lot of stress. Do not know what to do, or what strategies take and, although indicated more is to attend our pediatrician at the slightest problem, it is always suitable to know simple remedies that can assist you in insurance,.
What if we take them into account from now on?
1 beware of sugar

Generally, children under 6 years old tend to have problems when it comes to process the sugar and a common strategy that many mothers continue to be when their children have trouble going to the bathroom, is to give them fruit jams. You have to be careful with this:
- Both jams and juices tend to have certain percentage of sugar that children not synthesized well and that they cause intestinal problems. It is also interesting to know that for infants (children under 2 years) the plum jam is a "little strong" may appear gases, so it will always be more appropriate to replace it with PEAR, which is softer and is digested best.
- Try to make your own jams, for that is 100% fruit. And remember to always be best natural fruit rather than juice. Thus the child better leverages fiber present in the fruit.
2 grapes in fasting

They are great, they Digest well, they are tasty, fun and an effective remedy to solve the constipation in children. It would be perfect to just get up eat between 6 and 8 grapes, with included skin. They must chew it well. Then, you can give them your breakfast ever.
It is important to also find out if your child has some sort of intolerance, either dairy or some cereal, since that is when the first signs, always related to intestinal problems arise at these younger ages.
3. what type of fiber can children eat?

To treat constipation in children, it is ideal that you give them whole grains. Includes, for example, a good whole grain cereals without sugar in your breakfast and seeks that the bread you eat does not contain excessive refined flour.
You can prepare a good Bowl with bits of Strawberry, pear, kiwi, nuts and some traces of small sugar free chocolate to make breakfast so healthy and fun. This way they get fiber in always healthy fruits.
Also indicate you that in the case of children, the recommended amount is your age more 5. I.e., if your child is 4 years old, the ideal amount would be 9 grams of fiber a day.
4. caution with certain foods

Often the children love sweets, cakes, the pastries... However, it is necessary that from well small we orient them on the need for healthy eating. Keep in mind that many cream milk, cheese, ice cream, white rice or white mold bread they are not digested very well in the bodies of the children, and it is frequent that all lead to the classic constipation.
5. A little more water

We know it. Children usually them cost much to drink water, but is necessary that they are always well hydrated so their organs can function normally. Now, are how we can get the children to drink some more water?
Buy fun bottles, try that container will attract them, so they dare so to drink water. Nor forget the classic trick of droplets of lemon juice: in this way the water ceases to be so boring.
6. a hot water bath and a massage with olive oil

An old trick that almost never fails. When your children suffer from constipation, give them a bath with warm water, allow 15 minutes to relax, and then give them a circular massage on the abdomen with a few drops of olive oil. They will feel more relaxed and we will facilitate intestinal transit.
7. children and stress

There is an important aspect that we must never overlook: the children shocked their problems often through this type of processes. For example, if we have recently scolded them for wetting the bed, or we've requested too much on their behavior, is often that they somaticen this stress with sphincter control. Retain it by anxiety, by nerves.
Talk to your child, offer you confidence, support and affection... since, often, constipation in children tends to have an emotional origin.
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