The fruit can really tone and reaffirm our skin and combat flaccidity? Since then. It is very possible that this statement surprise you, because all are used to buy many creams and spend money on beauty treatments to have a stronger figure.
Then? Does it mean that simply take this list of fruits? Not so much. He is, in fact, a balanced diet and raise all those foods that they provide us with collagen and nutrients necessary need our skin at every stage of life.
1. the power of vitamin C present in the Orange

What is the best vitamin C-rich fruit to reaffirm your skin? Orange. She is the star, but it is also very suitable for each morning to take a glass of water warm with lemon, ideal to purify our body of toxins and to obtain a good supply of vitamins and antioxidants.
Vitamin C found in oranges and lemons is the ultimate anti-aging ingredient. Thanks to her, we will be able to better absorb iron and calcium. You have a major problem, and it is water soluble, i.e. vitamin C dissolves with water, so lose it through urine and We therefore need a nearly continuous supply.
Vitamin C is also a great antioxidant capable of taking care of the DNA in our cells and protect us against the free radicals feared that wrinkle our skin, preventing Aging and favoring also the synthesis of collagen.
Can how we benefit the Orange?
1 consumes each day an orange with honeyYou can start your days taking a glass of warm water with lemon but at midday and at your lunch, it would be desirable that you took you a peeled Orange natural and cut into small pieces with a little honey.
2. toning remedy based on orange peel.
- The skin of 3 oranges.
- 1 liter of water.
- This tonic is wonderful to reaffirm your footl but, how should prepare you? It is as easy as getting three oranges Peel and put to boil in a liter of water, to make a proper decoction, over 20 minutes.
- After this time, turn off the heat and allow to sit for one hour. Then strain in content and carries this toning water to a glass bottle and store it in the fridge.
- You must aplicarte this water of fresh orange in the face 3 times a day, with the help of a cotton pad. It cleans, tones and firms your skin. Leave to act throughout the day, does failure then you wipe or remove it. You can use it for your face or any part of the body you want to reaffirm, as they can be the thighs or abdomen.
2. thegrapes, cherries and avocados acetylsalicylic acid

If we get used to regularly eat this type of acetylsalicylic acid-rich fruits, will see how every day improves the beauty and the strength of our skin. We can take them in a natural way, in juices or also benefit from their properties making homemade creams.
What are the richest in this element fruits? Notes so that they are not missed in your day to day:
- Avocados.
- Red grapes (have more tannins and, therefore, more antioxidants for our skin).
- The cherries.
- The mandarins.
How we can benefit from these fruits in a richacetylsalicylic acid?

- Includes Red in your breakfast, remembering always to consume them with skin, since it is here where the greatest benefits.
- Consuming cherries whenever you can, and when you come to the station. Just about 10 a day, after your lunch. In addition to firm your skin, they are very suitable for treating arthritis pain.
- Tangerine juice is ideal for the middle of the afternoon. Eat it fresh and natural.
- The avocado is wonderful for our skin but, since it contains a high caloric index, would be appropriate not to consume more than half avocado a day. Also can prepare appropriate facial masks to give firmness to your skin, of which you have spoken on more than one occasion in our space.
3 strawberries and watermelon, collagen

Collagen is a protein that only can bring us the animal organisms. However, there are many foods that can help us to produce it and stimulating their synthesis. You can eat beef or pork, can eat fish or prepare a dessert with the always-proper gelatin. You can also take advantage of two fruits that will also help you achieve that firmly on your skin, given its richness in antioxidants, vitamins and water:
- The watermelons.
- Strawberries.
How can we benefit from watermelons and strawberries?

- Whenever he comes the season of strawberries and watermelons, please do not hesitate to eat them naturally or in liquefied rich. These fruit act as mediators of the production of collagen and, in addition, we will help to hydrate our skin, given their high percentage in water. Enjoy them as you can.
As for the food lover, eating fruits can be an effective and interesting way to improve the skin and weight. Through detecting the stool dna to judge the most deficient element.