Throughout the day we tend to spend many moments of tension, anxiety, moments in which I'd like to take to run and flee far away from these situations marked by stress. What is the most appropriate way of managing these feelings so negative and dangerous to our health?
1. my private Palace, my refuge

Let us take a simple example to understand this first strategy. Imagine that you're at work, you have a multitude of tasks to be done and, in turn, to your surroundings there is too much tension, noise and companions that you speak, that overwhelm you... Imagine also that you just have, for example, a fight with your partner and that, in turn, your children are waiting for you so you take them to school. Of how we can relax the mind, if only for a moment?
It displays an empty room. A private Palace of calm and peace where you can close the door and stay single. Behind that door is the sound and concerns, but you're safe in this intimate and quiet space. Here you can sit and think about things with detail and calm. There is no pressure.
2. the white wall

This exercise is as simple as cash. All have experienced those moments in that, suddenly, a myriad of concerns, anxieties, fears come us over... Without knowing how, they attacked us so negative thoughts that we feel almost as "immobilized".
When this happens to you, cut immediately those thoughts and put before them a white wall. There is nothing more than a reassuring white that envelops you and you calming. Try it. Put end to these obsessive thoughts and relativizes the things with this protective image before that "current" of negativity.
3. my breath

Stress and anxiety to accelerate our breath, take air and make work at the heart of the account. Slowly and without to realize, will muscle tension and headache.
When this happens, attempts to regulate little by little your breathing. Start by putting your hand on the abdomen and takes air deeply felt as it shrinks and your chest expands. Catch a few seconds that air and see venting air now little by little, while notes how, with the air, part of your interior weight will also. It is very relaxing and will help you to relax your mind.
4 type

A technique simple and very therapeutic to relax the mind is to always carry a notebook in your bag. A nice notebook where you write all these concerns that assail us occasionally as menacing crows.
Frees your fears, your tensions in the form of words, and then, if you wish, you can burn if want you those leaves to make you more relaxed. You can also leave them and keep a personal diary, there where commit not only your concerns, but your thoughts and your dreams. Every day, this newspaper can become your best friend in your personal escape route.
5. A bit of Sun, a few steps away on the grass

When you feel saturated, when anxiety and worries you wrapped up to the point of feeling very stressed, do not hesitate. Salt to walk through a park, forest, mountain...
Leaves Sun to cuddle up to you, feel calm and breath of nature caressing your skin. It's like back to the origins, and we assure you that few things can be more effective and therapeutic to relax the mind in our day to day.
6. someone who listens to you

We are confident that, in your social circle, you have to that person who knows how to listen to you with honesty, empathy and affection. Someone with whom he can relax the mind a while talking of all that which makes you unhappy, that worries you or which you stressed.
Sometimes we do not seek a Council, or they tell us what we should do. Most of the time we just need to be heard and cared for. After remove us "the weight", we ourselves will decide what strategies we agree more.
7. you are looking for your personal space

We all have that intimate and personal space where you can relax and be ourselves. There is who is listening to music and closing his eyes. Others, drawing, dancing or even weaving, no matter. What is essential is to have a fondness with which our tension and be ourselves, Relativizing so many of those concerns.
In conclusion, it is important to know that you find for yourself the way you better going to relax the mind. Each person is unique and special, and does not serve all the same advice. So, view trying little by little each of them to find out what fits best with your personality.
Remember always to set priorities in your life, you don't turn completely in others to the point of neglecting yourself. Value yourself as you deserve, defends your personal spaces, your privacy, your freedoms. don't forget it!
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