Many people suffering from bruxism, i.e. that clench and grind your teeth at night. As a result, they can stand up with head or jaw pain.

When we close our eyes want to, basically, get a quiet and restful sleep. But actually our body experiences fascinating phenomena that you love to hear. Ready/to for soprenderte?
1 snap jerks, jumps and jerks

Insurance that has ever happened to you. You just asleep and suddenly, das a jump. It is very common that we all experience so frequent, and no, it is not serious. It's a phenomenon known hypnotic momentum that only happens when we are sleeping. Is a preparation of our body to the changes experienced by during sleep. Our functions will slow down and sometimes the brain interprets this change as a fall. Hence the reaction.
2. sleep paralysis
Is something that many people experience. It only happens during the deepest sleep phase, which is known as REM (Rapid Eye Movement or rapid eye movement). They are moments that suddenly, we realized that we are dreaming, we know that for example, that horrible nightmare in which we are engaged is not real, but we though we try to react and move us, can't. Our arms and legs were paralysed. It is a phenomenon that can be very scary, because we are unable to react to knowing that we are dreaming. That's when the nightmares are more vivid.3. teeth grind

Is what is known as bruxism. Our teeth grind because of stress or a misaligned jaw. This can make you wake up with sore jaw or other dental problems.
4 we speak aloud
Has ever happened to you or to the person who is next to you? It is very common and sometimes bring problems between the couple. Can say aloud a word or a phrase, and even verbalize a small conversation. They are phenomena that we then forget and as much as we try to recall "what we have said" we are unable to believe it.5. sexual arousal

6 move more eyes
Despite having closed eyelids, our eyes don't stop moving, especially during the REM phase. The truth is that scientists still do not have reached a consensus of why this happens. Although many related that more neural, stimulation that brain activity so intense that it allows us to organize memories, classify information and optimize as well our memory. Hence the essential biological need to enjoy a quiet and restful sleep.7 we are slightly higher in the evening

Do Sorprendida? Surely, but quiet, are only "slightly" higher, just. This is basically due to our column during the night spreads a little more to the hydrate, allowing this than the disk space between vertebra and vertebra away slightly, giving us a little more of height. But yes, arrival morning disks return to contracting in its original position. Curious isn't it?
8. the brain detoxifies by night
As you can see to sleep it is essential to our health, especially for the cerebror, which is incredibly active during these nighttime hours. In addition to organizing information and classify it, cleanses toxins and elements that do not lack for these moments thanks to the glinfatico system. It is this way how are optimized for example proteins that protect our brain, thus avoiding diseases like Alzheimer's.9. will secrete hormones for growth in children

Children need to sleep to grow, it is imperative that HGH or human growth hormone release and allow the muscles and bones grow. And eye, it also lets us adults that our tissues to regenerate. But if you must sleep deeply!
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