7 benefits of eating fish regularly

7 Beneficios de comer pescado regularmente
Nutritionists indicate that a balanced diet should contain three weekly intakes of fish. This is because it is one of the dishes of animal origin with more quantity of proteins and vitamins. This article learn the benefits of eating fish.

The nutrients in fish

Not to everyone you like fish or you only consume one or two species. There are dozens of options to choose from, all featuring the following nutrients:
  • Protein: are essential for the repair, training and maintenance of tissues of the body, functioning of hormones, the transport of nutrients and oxygen to cells, to form antibodies, etc.
  • Vitamin A: is important to prevent cancer to be antioxidant, improve skin, eyes and hair, strengthen the immune system, improve cardiovascular health and nervous system, transport energy to cells.
pescado azul
  • Vitamin d is very good for the bones, brain and teeth, as well as to maintain the body weight.
  • Minerals: they include iodine, fluorine, calcium, magnesium and zinc, all of which are essential for our body.
  • Unsaturated fats: i.e. the "good fats" the body. They help reduce blood cholesterol levels and protect us from heart disease. Sword, herring, sardines and mackerel are mostly in the fish.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids: fish is among the foods that provides more contribution of Omega 3 . This is essential to reduce blood pressure, improve cardiovascular health, preventing obstruction of the blood vessels and to protect us from cancer. It is also good to relieve rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and nerves. It is excellent for improving brain function and prevent damage from aging, such as Alzheimer's disease and atherosclerosis.

Properties of fish

Eating fish is advised at any age by doctors this is because:
  • Is suitable for healthy and also ill people: thanks to the nutritional properties (that have been detailed earlier), is one of the most beneficial foods that exists. Your intake in a balanced diet is a way to prevent diseases and at the same time, to treat various diseases. Fortunately we have access to a large number of species of fish, recipes and restaurants where to consume it. Especially recommended in childhood, adolescence, pregnancy, breastfeeding, age and ailments.
  • Provides few calories: the caloric content of the fish is quite low (no more than 80 Kcal per 100 grams in the lean and up to 200 Kcal for blue). They are a good option for those who are doing diet to lose weight. However, should take into account the way in which prepares, is not the same a filet of hake baked than breaded and fried. We recommend steaming it so you lose less properties. Blue fish are roasted or grilled because the meat tends to dry out.
  • Provides nutrients for growth: both fish and seafood have a 20% protein in their composition, approximately. Crustaceans much more. At the same time, have a large amount of essential amino acids for the body, essential to grow the body correctly. It is, therefore, that children from an early age must begin to consume fish and repeat in some moments of life as pregnancy, always accompanied with vegetables, legumes and fruits.
  • Provide a large amount of calcium: This is great news for those who have problems to digest cow's milk, for example. The intake of fish such as anchovies, sardines are a great source of calcium, by intervening in the healthy formation of teeth, the strength of the bones, the transmission of the nervous impulse and the coagulation of the blood. A can of sardines provides the same amount of calcium as a cup of milk. Anchovies, seafood, clams and cockles are the most recommended in this case.
  • Provide a good dose of iodine: this is ideal for those who suffer from goitre or thyroid problems. This disease is characterized by a lack of iodine and is more common in some areas of the world. The sea fish and seafood have become food recommended for these patients. It is also good for the pregnant since the lack of this nutrient can cause problems in the development and growth of the baby, especially the brain and the thyroid hormones. The deficit of iodine during pregnancy can lead to mental retardation, or alterations in the development of young children. Most iodine-rich fish are salmon, mullet, cod, tuna, mussels and tuna.
  • Prevents diseases: undoubtedly, the fish is a complete multivitamin, especially of Group B (B1, B2, B3 and B12), D, A and E. These last two have an antioxidant action and protect certain cardiovascular, or degenerative diseases as well as cancer. Vitamin D, on the other hand, favours the absorption of calcium and phosphate in the intestine and kidneys. The fat content of the most outstanding characteristics, preventing diseases of the heart and arteries.
  • Is easy to digest: consistency, color, taste, conservation and digestibility are outstanding. The fish posse less collagen that meat, so it is recommended for people who suffer from ulcers, gastritis, reflux or dyspepsia, always and when preparing not add too many oils, sauces or condiments.
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