Cloves, as well as chase away insects, function as a natural air freshener for any stay

Flies are nasty insects that can cause different types of diseases when, for example, are in contact with the food we eat. We can find them almost everywhere in the world, except for the poles and the sites of extreme altitude. Luckily, there are several natural tricks that can help us to finish with annoying flies that come to our home. In this article I share several formulas to eliminate them without having to resort to those commercial poisons that are loaded with toxic.
Water bags
Transparent water bags are a good help to naturally repel flies in our home. To do this, you must put water in transparent plastic bags, so that you fill three-quarters of the stock market. Tie it so that the water does not spill out and then put them on the outside of the House, near windows and doors.This natural trick is very good, since the water in transparent bags makes solar light to refract and form aPrism. Is the optical effect of the prisms of light which repels flies.
Vinegar trap to catch flies

Vinegar contains acetic acid, which is an active ingredient that sprayed on insects, slowing down his movements and makes it easier to achieve them. On this occasion we will combine it with other ingredients to make more effective the work of ending the flies.
You will need:
- Water
- Transparent adhesive tape
- 4 tablespoons of Apple Cider vinegar
- 1 tablespoon of SOAP liquid
- 1 plastic bottle
- Scissor
- The first thing you have to do is to cut the neck of the bottle. Then, enter into the cut bottle neck or peak you just cut, as if this were a funnel.
- Taped it transparent and filled the container with water until the fifth. Enter the liquid soap, vinegar and shake very well.
- You can put this trap in an area of your house where flies disturb much. There they fall attracted to vinegar, but they may not leave.
Aromatic herbs
Some herbs have properties that help to repel these annoying visitors that bother us in our home. The function of these herbs is the chase away flies and insects of the House, so they are ideal as a method of prevention.You can make several bouquets with aromatic plants as, for example, mint, thyme, Rosemary and camphor, among others. When you already have them ready, place them near places such as windows or doors.

Although the cloves do not eliminate flies, seems to be that they don't like their smell and repels them.
In this case you should put around 20 or 30 cloves on an Apple or other surface and put it in a key site to drive away the flies. This trick, as well as help you to chase away flies, is also ideal for flavouring spaces in your home.
Honey with corn flour
This is another effective method for scaring flies naturally and avoid bring you closer to your meals and food.To prepare it, you have to do a mixture of honey or maple with cornmeal. Place a container with a small amount in several spaces of the home so that they remain free of flies. The flies will be attracted by the sweetness, but there will be trapped.
It cleans very well your House
All areas of home hygiene is essential to keep away flies. It is very important to do a cleanup of the entire House and attempting to remove all residue which can attract flies frequently. Likewise, use a bucket of trash that has a lid to prevent their odors attract flies.When you've finished your home cleaning , moisten a cloth with vinegar and pass through those areas of your home where usually emphasize the flies. For example, you can review it by frames of windows, doors, among others. The smell of vinegar will repel flies and will help you to keep everything very clean. You can also put vinegar in a spray bottle and spray frequently this product in several areas of your home.
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