5 smoothies to treat constipation

Remember that most of the fibers of the fruit is in its peeling, so, whenever we can, it will add to our smoothies organic fruit to benefit from its properties
5 Batidos para combatir el estreñimiento
There are many natural remedies to treat constipation, but a more easy and enjoyable way to do it is to select foods that promote intestinal transit and take them every day.
In this article we suggest you some shakes that you can take throughout the day and that will help you to improve your bowel function, among other benefits.

Better than juice smoothies

Although natural smoothies and juices are very healthy and provide us with a large amount of vitamins and minerals, if what we want is to treat constipation we will choose better by shakes, since these include the fiber from the fruit, which is wasted in the case of juices.
Precisely for this reason Smoothies are also more satiating, by which we can take them for breakfast or snacking, which is also a delicious and healthy way to prevent abuse of sugar and refined flour.

Honey to sweeten

If we want to sweeten a little cultural these shakes of white sugar, which is a poison for our health, and elect a very natural sweetener and in addition also has laxative properties: acacia honey . If we do not find it, we can choose any honey, either a natural molasses of fruit (Apple, pear) or cereals.
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Kefir and prunes

Kefir is a type of fermented yogurt that has all the benefits of yogurt and some advantages, as it is more easily digested because it contains less lactose and improves our intestinal flora is a fermented food. The kefir you can buy already prepared either do it ourselves with the fungus and milk.
The prunes, as well as being rich in calcium and an excellent food to prevent osteoporosis, have an lot of fiber and are known since ancient times as one of the best foods against constipation. We put plums, if possible, soak the night before.
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Oats and dates

Unlike the drink of rice, which can be a little constipated to those who have a tendency, oats drink is rich in mucilage, a type of fiber that enhances the evacuation. We can use oat drink either a spoonful of oatmeal that we put in a couple of hours in hot water soak to this milkshake.
Dates, like most dried fruits, contain a large amount of fiber and in this case also will bring us much vitality, so it is a perfect Smoothie for the morning.
The Oatmeal will give you a very creamy texture and dates bring you sweetness.

Apple and kiwi

Apple has been used both for cases of constipation and diarrhea. The secret lies in its peeling, which contains most of the fiber. However, to consume it with its peeling we get Green apples free of pesticides.
We can use the raw Apple either cook a little, which will give you still more flavor.
On the other hand, the kiwi is another fruits traditionally taken in fasting for its laxative benefits.

Yogurt and figs

Yogurt is an alternative if you can find or produce kefir, while does not contain many enzymes. We will try, that Yes, be as natural as possible and that it does not contain sugars, sweeteners, dyes or artificial flavors.
Figs, whether they are fresh as if they are dry, they are very rich in fiber and also provide natural sweetness to this delicious milkshake.
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Hazelnuts and flax seeds

Finally emphasize the dried fruit and seeds which contain more fiber and that, therefore, will be able to beat our taste along with a vegetable drink.
Hazelnuts, in addition, also regulate blood sugar levels.
We find in some dietary milk hazelnuts, which has an excellent taste and combines very well with a bit of cocoa.
For his part, flax seeds leave them soaking overnight in order to absorb the mucilage. Also we will incorporate above water to the batter.
The mixing ratio will be a handful of hazelnuts and a teaspoon of flax seed.
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