If it is genetic inheritance determines the appearance of our face, good eating habits and specific care can help us to reaffirm our cheeks

Do you feel your cheeks a little flabby? with a slight lack of firmness, perhaps? Do not worry, we give simple and inexpensive remedies to reduce this effect and look more attractive. Sure that you come well these tips, discover them.
Tips to lessen sagging cheeks

The passage of time, as you know, is chiseling little by little slight changes in our appearance. It is something natural that we must learn to assume, is normal and we have to accept it as normal. Now, we can always combat the effect of the passage of time with home remedies and beauty treatments. Not avoided at all that we get for example, the fifty twenties looking for example, but we can continue to be attractive, we keep seeing us well before the mirror and is what matters.
Our genetic heritage, changes in weight and eating right or wrong be determined such that our sagging cheeks are more or less pointed, but we focus on them, we can mitigate the effects with simple remedies. Notes:
1 facial exercises

As we exercise to harden buttock or abdomen, we can do the same with our cheeks. They no longer have muscles, and therefore we cannot assert them and correct its sagging. Is a remedy that is worth continue. and how we do it? Very easy, in front of the mirror performs very exaggerated and marked a smile that stays about ten seconds, then rest and repeat 5 times. Then fill your cheeks indoor air, as if you're inflating a balloon. Again, keep this gesture 10 seconds and relax, then repeat it five more times. Finally, with both hands, it exerts a circular massage just above your cheek for 2 minutes, to then continue a little further down, in the center of the cheek, there where notes your teeth. Do you think it is easy? Repeat two times a day.
2. avocado and honey mask

This remedy is very well known and really easy to make. You know that avocado is moisturizing and firming, with it you get a more toned skin and we hydrate skin to nourish it, to prevent wrinkles appear and so muscle is good nutrition. Not you have rather than get the half avocado pulp and add two tablespoons of honey. Mix well and apply ourselves with this cream cheek for 15 minutes. Ideal for before going to sleep, then, we rinsed with lukewarm water. Very successful.
3. mask of Aloe Vera and yogurt

A very nutritious technique and used by many women. Yogurt combined with Aloe Vera acts as an excellent firming with which it is worthwhile to start the day. To take advantage of it you don't have rather than obtain four tablespoons natural yoghurt and put it in a bowl where we can add two tablespoons of the sabil gelto. Spoon mix both ingredients until it is homogeneous. Very easy as you can see. We apply ourselves in the face with a brush and let it act for 20 minutes. You'll see how you it adheres well to the skin. After this time, you can fold it already with water. You will immediately notice a very soft skin. If we do it every day you'll see as we are slowly attenuating those sagging cheeks.
4. a proper diet

You know that what you eat is reflected in abroad. Keep in mind that a fluid retention will make cheeks look more swollen, and that these differences in weight will do in the long run this directly affect our metabolism and our skin, which in the end will look more fall and flaccid. All this so we can avoid following a cleansing with juices diet of grapefruit, Orange and even strawberries, which are also very suitable to clean and purge.
We know that sometimes cost, but we assure you that if we restrict the consumption of sweets, industrial pastries our health and our skin will notice. It increases your dishes salads, fiber, nuts, always vegetable protein, since what is important is above all reaffirm the muscle. If we thinned the skin remains flabby, hence we should always take care of facial muscle so it is strong and well nourished, that is why we should bear in mind rich vegetable protein is consumed. Don't forget to also keep you well hydrated, so we treat toxins and helping our bodies to work much better.
Firm sagging cheeks is possible, with a little effort and these simple tips. It is worth trying it.
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