4 healthy strategies to improve your metabolism and lose weight

It is very important to make 5 meals and including physical activity in our routine. It is usually sufficient to one hour a day
4 estrategias saludables para mejorar tu metabolismo y perder peso
Sure you know more than one person who is lucky to eat what you want and not gain a gram. How do they do it? Having a slow or fast metabolism tends to almost always be a genetic condition. However, everyone can implement certain strategies to regulate it and improve it.
Another common feature is to enjoy during part of our life of a fast metabolism , but upon reaching certain age, begin to notice that went up in weight and that takes us a lot to lose those extra pounds. You must not despair or throwing in the towel, not at all. It is, simply, change habits and include these tips in your everyday life.

1. not to low-calorie diets

Platos plásticos
It is the first mistake that we tend to fall when we want to lose weight: decide that we need to eat less and prepare dishes without any fat, no carbohydrates in order to comply with the restrictive diet. You know the consequences for your body all this? Notes:

Minimum caloric requirement

It is important to note that than usual and healthy is to eat between 1,000 and 1,200 calories daily. If we eat less, what is going to happen is that our metabolism will slow and that we experience a slowdown in metabolic rate, in addition to not lose weight, we are risking our health. It is not worth!


A restrictive diet us prevents to obtain adequate glucose level needed by our brain, our muscles and our body in general to carry out its basic functions. Very careful!

We lose muscle mass

It sounds like you that losing weight and that our skin is flaccid? Few things are so unsightly and because basically that, at the time that this diet restrictive forces us to go hungry, the body must obtain food from somewhere. Do know where addresses in the first place? The muscles and reach beyond, and extend this low calorie diet for weeks, will end up getting food from the cells of the heart and lungs.

2. Yes to your breakfast to speed up metabolism

desayuno Nomadic Lass
Breakfast is basic and essential to set up our metabolism. It is undoubtedly the tip number 1 that you must put on your list to be able go losing weight in the healthiest way possible. You should keep in mind that our body has to adjust their levels of glucose and insulin , and if we have given it already since we lifted us a good amount of nutrients, you need not "Save" energy in the form of fat on our thighs or abdomen.
Make note of a few basics you should know your breakfast to speed up the metabolism.
  • Since you wake up until you eat breakfast, should never spend more than one hour. If we spent this time interval, the metabolism becomes slow and what they eat tend to be "stored" and not to burn.
  • Drink in a glass of warm water with lemon fasting. That way you debug the body and get a good level of vitamins. Then, wait about 15 or 20 minutes for your breakfast.
  • Is very important that you include in your breakfast protein. for what reason? Because we satisfy, because it provides firmness to your muscles and energy that the body needs to start the day.
  • Takes note of the food that you can add in your breakfast and that will help to accelerate the metabolism:
    • Green tea
    • White tea
    • Ginger infusion
    • Black coffee
    • Green coffee
    • Oats
    • Eggs
    • Spinach
    • Greek yogurt
    • Green apples
    • Pears
    • Grapefruit or grapefruit
    • Nuts
    • Avocado

3. include in your habits exercise of different intensities

We are sure that the healthy exercise of going for a walk every day for half an hour already include in your lifestyle habits. However, for many people this is not enough to get speed up your metabolism and burn those stored fat.
Solution? Exercise our bodies with more activities, simple exercises that will "launch" our body and which will allow us to activate the metabolism. Takes note of what we should do in a day:
  • Walk for 30 minutes.
  • Run 10 minutes.
  • Climbing stairs (is something simple that does not remove us time, is only a matter of choosing "stairs before elevator" in our daily routine).
  • 20 minutes from other cardiovascular exercises, such as dancing, do aerobics...
All this you does not take more than one hour a day.

4 'little while' come many times a day

If we have inherited our family slow metabolism, the worst mistake that we can fall when it comes to weight loss is, without doubt, skip meals. Choosing to not have dinner or breakfast not what you're going to get is that your body enters "alarm" and decides to store fat since it does not receive enough nutrients. However, if we offer small amounts of food, 5 or 6, throughout the day, you will find a proper balance.
Do not hesitate and included in your 5 or 6 daily rations of foods low in refined flour in sweets, in prepared foods... Replace them with fresh vegetables, by healthy protein, by healthy fats such as oily fish, from salmon from, and important also that consume every day between 6 and 8 glasses of water. It will help you to eliminate toxins.
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