4 frequent errors in our relationships

Although each person expresses his love in a way, the affection not shown only with words.
4 errores frecuentes en nuestras relaciones de pareja
Along our vital and emotional cycle, people learn to get to know us a little better. We also obtain knowledge of our mistakes and those "walls" that sometimes, we put ourselves and our partners to be happy.
Sometimes they are not easy to recognize. Sometimes we act in an unhealthy way and instead of bringing appreciation, affection and respect, we offer mistrust and unhappiness. Today, in our space, we do a small review of those small errors that indicate distances between couples.

1 love is not only to say "I love you"

pareja (2)

Sure that you have lived it on occasion. You have a relationship and throw in lack a simple "I love you" every day. However, although they can comfort you, not cast as forms of affection only to words; "acts" also demonstrate truly the affection and love that we profess that person.
  • Each person expresses his love in a way. There are those who are more expressive, whereas other, more withdrawn, show their appreciation of other forms that we must also learn to understand. But not least express "love less". Also rate many other aspects.
  • There are men and women awaiting signs of affection nearly every moment: kisses, hugs and caresses... But we must understand that not all have the same needs, and it means to "love less".
  • Love is also expressed in the eyes, be when is needed. In that smile everyday, in the unconditional support and admiration. It is clear that, on occasions, perhaps we we miss that our partner is a little more "expressive", that tell us every day that we want. But what really matters is that, when you do so, very few times it happens, perceive in him/her an absolute sincerity.
  • Analyzes a person in each of their acts, not only in their words. The words may fall on occasions in the "lie" or may be exaggerated. Put another way, is easier to lie with words with acts. Evaluate how you are treated, how you care, you respect... There is true love.
  • If you are of those people who really need that daily expressiveness and perceive that the other person "wants to you less than what you show", talk to your partner. Express you your needs.

2. loving does not mean give it all for nothing

This is a bug in the fall, so to speak, many people. They think that loving your partner means give it all, give it everything on the other an unconditional and unlimitedmode. But you must be careful:
  • It must be love with wisdom and balance. I offer me freely to the other person knowing that we are going to create "a team". You offer me and I offer you. You enrich me and I you enrich, both in our maturity and individuality, we form a single be where grow day by day.
  • If you give everything for the other person, will come a day where you feel not only empty, but also frustrated. You will notice that, without knowing how, you've raised a wall to you about where you see yourself surrounded, no escape.
  • Expect the other person to also do things for you is not to be selfish. Finally and ultimately be couple consists of taking care of us to the other and bring us happiness between the two.

3. If something bothers me, I'll shut up and wait for the other person aware of his mistake

The people we are not fortunetellers. A bug in which we fall often is thinking when something hurts us or bother us, our partner will realize.
That is why, sometimes, many people instead of express aloud what worried or upset, they opt to keep silent and fall into anger. Ignore the other person so, draw your attention and punish her silently.
It is a very immature strategy. If something hurts you, you not streets. And even less Act by launching "invisible darts" to the other person because, ultimately, we will fall into a vicious cycle of anger that won't make sense.
Be assertive. If something concerns you, express it. If something hurts you, say it out loud. If there is anything you need, ask for it. It is your partner, with whom you live. The ideal is to achieve a coexistence where there is dialogue and agreements, not a field of battle.

4. do not build "your world" around your partner

Put in case we started a relationship being very young. We focus all our world on that person. Which is fine, no doubt, is the person elected and, as such, we will build a life with that partner.
But also keep in mind the following aspects:
  • We must continue to grow personally. That means that every day we must keep learning, experimenting. Do not neglect your studies, your friends, your work well.
  • A relationship is very important. But they are also these other areas of our lives, such as training, social circle, and also that personal space... all this allows us to enrich us as a people. That enrichment offers more safety and self-esteem.
  • A person with more self esteem and security brings more happiness to the couple. He brings maturity. If we focus exclusively on our partner and neglect our personal or professional growth, will come a time when we feel frustrated and even blame our fellow of this unhappiness.
Grows as a person and grow as a couple. That way you'll find true happiness, without walls in your life. It's worth the time.
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