What we eat on a daily basis is deposited on top of the wheels. If not remove it, it accumulates and decomposes, resulting in tooth decay. While children may be more prone to allergies by eating many sweets, adults do not always have good oral hygiene and also suffer. In this article you find out several tips to prevent tooth decay.
What are cavities?
In our mouth live germs, which, in contact with saliva and other components taken from acids and sugars consumed, turn into the cavities. These are formed when the acid attacks the tooth enamel, weakens the piece and cause ruptures. In that hole that is formed is where occur cavities, which we see as a black spot above the wheel.We can not heal us with a medicine or to pass the time, since this latter only worsens the situation. The only way to avoid that bacteria continue "eating" the tooth is eliminating the tissue that has been damaged and is sick and fill it with a pasta or special amalgam. This the dentist performs everything. Cavities are not dangerous if treated in time, although it is best to avoid the teeth become worn and weaken and thus stay healthy for many years.
Guide to avoid the proliferation of caries
These tips can help to teach your child to not have tooth decay, for example, from small they comply with good oral hygiene and avoid going to the dentist again. You'll save money, headaches and loss of time, in addition to ensuring better health to your kids. And incidentally, you can you follow them to the letter and lead by example.Do not consume sugars

In this group we can find candies, sweets, soft drinks and anything that we buy in stores containing sugar. All this causes damage in the teeth and molars. Teach your children to eat less sweets, who prefer a fruit instead of a cake and send them to school with a lunch box: so eat less sweets. It is also important that, when you finish eating a sweet, brush teeth well and use dental floss. If they are not at home, they can at least drink water and rinse your mouth.
Eat up to four times per day
If you're constantly eating not only food you'll have more chances of weight gain, but also generate caries. Program your intake to no more than four per day: breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. Don't eat anything between these foods and brush your teeth every time you finish.Comply with a routine of brushing
In first place, it is necessary that you brush you teeth at least two times a day (to stand up and lie down) and, if you can, a third at the end of lunch. Good oral hygiene starts with this habit. You can have a travel toothbrush in your bag or suitcase so there are no food scraps in your mouth when you're away from home.Use dental floss

The use of dental floss is also very good to finish removing everything that is "trapped" between the teeth, where the brush can not enter. Once a day is sufficient, provided it is at night. It pays much attention to the care and maintenance of the box where the dental floss is saved so that it is not open or in contact with water or moisture from the bathroom. Use the thread when you eat cookies, pastries, cereals with sugar or breaded, i.e., everything that can get stuck between your teeth.
Chew food well
In this way, avoid food scraps are placed between the teeth, especially when you're not at home and don't have dental floss.Freshens the mouth

A good home remedy to prevent decay is the lemon. You have to mix a few drops of this citrus fruit in a glass of water and do rinses with liquid after you brush you teeth. The acid pH of lemon will help you prevent damage to enamels.
Massages gums
Circular movements or top down, to promote good blood circulation. This way, your teeth will be well stated and you will avoid certain illnesses, as well as also caries. Remember that if the teeth are healthy, they can not proliferate bacteria or make a dent in them.Rinse mouth
Ever since you think why when we go to a café serve us a glass of water with the coffee or there is a glass for water by the glass of wine in a restaurant? This may have to do with the breath or flavor you have left in your mouth after consuming these drinks, but also to prevent decay. Clear, because after eating certain foods or beverages erosive, it is necessary that you rinses well your mouth. So if you eat acid fruit or drink alcohol.Don't go to bed without brushing you teeth

This is a custom that children inherit from their parents. Never, lower any concept be sure to brush your teeth at night. Remember that, while you sleep, the bacteria make a feast with everything you ate on the day. Maybe you're tired, you've worked hard or you close the eyes of sleep, but take equally two minutes to brush your good teeth.
Eat calcium-rich foods
Not only dairy products such as milk or yogurt are sources of calcium, but also green vegetables such as chard, spinach and broccoli. Almonds are also very good for adding calcium to your body. If you're lactose intolerant, you can prepare yourself or buy almond milk.Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits raw

The carrot and celery are great for cleaning teeth, because its fibers sweep all dirt. On the other hand, Apple with Peel strengthens teeth, whiten them and removes the remains of food that accumulate between them. And it is also an excellent dessert that prevents you to eat candy.
Keeping your teeth healthy can be really difficult if you aren't doing what you are supposed to. I liked that you talked about flossing and brushing before going to be. It also seems like it would be smart to go to the dentist the second you notice a cavity or pain in your teeth. That way you can get it fixed before it becomes a major issue.