Also have anti-inflammatory properties that help you eliminate acne, Aloe Vera can also reduce the same brands, since it regenerates the skin

Today Aloe Vera is a vital ingredient in the preparation of different remedies, either taken orally or applied on the skin. Then we tell you what some of those applications that you can give.
1. remedies for skin
One of the most special uses for this natural product is the skin care, either by burns or for improvement of scars, since the gel containing significantly accelerates the process of healing by improving circulation of blood around the wound.He also meets a good function to protect against UV rays. Can apply a cream of aloe minutes before exposure to the Sun so that you protect.
2. it relieves constipation

3. it relieves mouth problems
The pulp of aloe vera allows you to relieve sores, gingivitis, or estamatistis in easy steps: you only trituras it and pour it into your mouth. Must make sure that you know is making contact with the wound.4 combat colon problems

5. helps prevent acne
Thanks to the fact that Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory properties is a good ingredient against acne. It brings a SOAP, a cream and a lotion that contains Aloe Vera and use during the morning and evening, this will serve not only to grains, but also to control the amount of fat that accumulates in your face. Also you can use a gel with Aloe Vera on the grains to reduce swelling.Also you can apply Aloe gel over the areas where you have acne to soften and regenerate the skin.
6. support to the disappearance of cellulite

7 it is beneficial for your hair
Similar to skin, Aloe Vera works in the hair like sunscreen, caring for the scalp from UV, rays also protects it from daily weather as drying and straightening, rain, grease and dryness, making it more shiny and silky.8. it eliminates the dandruff

9 it is an excellent relaxing
Aloe Vera has properties anaesthetizers that relax the muscles of the head, when you wash your hair give a good massage on the scalp for a desdestresante effect.10. you used to lose weight

- 1 medium leaf of Aloe Vera, in pieces with already taken thorns
- 1 tablespoon honey
- The juice of a lemon
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