Migraines can be associated with stress. It is important that you you rethink your lifestyle or practise any sport to relax.

Migraines... The word already scares us, is a special type of headache associated with an unbearable throbbing pain commonly located in one part of the head, can lead us to vomiting and bothers us even light.
Possible causes of migraine headaches
- -It tends to affect more women, and sometimes it can occur already at very early ages.
- -The hereditary factor has enough weight in the onset of migraines.
- -The migraine itself is due to an abnormal brain activitydue to alterations of certain nerve pathways and surrounding tissues.
- - Stress is certainly a factor that can cause us severe migraine attacks.
- -Problems in the liver.
- -Hormonal changes.
- -Vision problems, work sometimes many hours in front of the computer.
- -Malnutrition.
What can trigger a migraine?
- -A day of much stress.
- -Changes in our cycles of sleep.
- -Fast in the morning.
- -Be long to the sol.
- - Menstruation, and even the use of birth control pills.
- -Certain foods such as cocoa, dairy... and of all foods that contain tyramine (red wine, cheese cured, fish, chicken livers, figs...
- -Very bright lights, strong smells, noises or loud sounds...
Remedies for migraines
Natural pain relievers
Ginger: It is possibly the most effective natural analgesic that can be, Super no doubt for migraines. You can e.g. prepare a tea with ginger twice a day, boiling water and let it sit for a few minutes, then you strain it and eat it slowly.
Lavender, lemon balm and Linden: All of them have a very appropriate sedative action. If you combine them and eat them every five hours gradually you'll see how your pain.
De gato: Ideal for migraine: desinflama and relieves pain.
Calendula: perfect to relax and relieve the pain. Just take two cups a day, take a handful of leaves and hot water ¼, filter the liquid and drink it slowly.
Lavender oil: You can apply it in the forehead with a compress, it is a very old remedy to relieve migraine headaches.
Nutrition suitable for migraines
Vitamin B2: research by the University of Belgium concluded that all foods containing vitamin B2 significantly reduce the headache. Where do we find them? In those containing riboflavin, i.e.: sardines, salmon, Seabass, lentils, mushrooms...Vitamin B6: required to increase serotonin, which prevents the onset of pain. Can be found in cod, tuna, trout, potatoes (with skin), broccoli, asparagus, turnips, whole-grain cereals, sunflower seeds, Bran
Mg. Indispensable. According to many studies when we suffer stress blocks the production of magnesium, which leads directly in physical pain, and above all the headache. Where can we find it? Notes: in Brewer's yeast, in the sunflower seeds, in nuts, brown rice, dry chestnuts in... You can also find magnesium capsules in the herbal remedies by way of supplements that may help prevent migraines.
Diet that you can follow for a day to prevent or alleviate migraine
- -In fasting: squeezed lemon juice, helps to cleanse the body.
- -Breakfast: A cup of oatmeal and a piece of fruit.
- -Food: A vegetable soup, fresh salad and salmon.
- -Don't forget to drink plenty of water: it will avoid that you intentionally, especially if you have vomited by the pain of migraines.
- -Dinner: vegetable steaming, a comprehensive sandwich and a cup of oatmeal with milk of almonds.
- -Before going to sleep: a fresh Apple and a previously specified infusion.
Foods that you should avoid
- -Sugar-sweetened drinks
- -Chocolates.
- -Red wine.
- -Cured meats.
- -Aged cheeses.
- -Tomato sauce, salad dressings, Marinades...
- -Sausages.
- -Stimulating beverages.
- -Whole cow's milk.
- -Black tea.
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