The more special in a Reiki course is the initiation. At that moment is when is activated channel Reiki energy, allowing you to access this healing power at will. During initiations ask students to sit with folded hands against the heart, and this will notice a calm and subtle sense of peace and love in the majority of cases, and the flow of energy throughout the body and especially in the hands, in other cases.
Initiation and Reiki practice, according to the Usui system, consists of three degrees or energy levels:
First grade open permanently cure channel through the initiation or tuning, and allows the initiated person the ability to transfer energy, in particular at the level of the physical body, through the laying on of hands making contact in different parts of the body.
Second degree provides Insider three Reiki symbols that are the keys that allow the vital force to act in a more profound and subtle dimension enhancing the channeling of energy and providing the ability to channel healing on a mental and emotional level, as well as distance healing.
Third grade has two phases. The first further deepen the connection with the life force, and allows the master channel two master symbols, in addition to the above and work with the level of consciousness. Master's degree, or second phase, allows teachers convey the teachings and initiations, and train other teachers according to the tradition of the Usui system and amplifies the energy channel to the maximum.
The initiation of the first degree is available to everyone, without any limitations, and does not need any experience or previous preparation. In practice, the initiation is given in a single day, and consists of an initiation where rise energy, physical, mental and emotional blockages, and awaken and self-healing forces are balanced. They align and harmonize the chakras, freeing up the shaft of the energy circulation in the subtle bodies of each person.
When the universal energy flows Insider is filled of life and energy, radiating light, strength, love and healing. The vital force gives the person that channels it ability to transmit it through the hands. This channel is amplifying is longer is used, both for the conscious self healing of others, and already not lost never, but it remains throughout life.
In the first degree, after initiation and purification, received instructions on the use of this energy with laying on of hands, showing the sequence for the practice of a complete self-healing session and also to provide the treatment to others. These impositions of hands cover all the physical body, aligning subtle bodies simultaneously. [The practice of these sequences after initiation reinforces the teaching and ensures a perfect theoretical understanding and practice of] energy transmission process, and allows the initiate function as a channel of healing.
There is a wrong way to Reiki because when it flows, wherever that place is hands, this energy enters the body of the receiver without any intervention of the healer and heads guided by its own intelligence where it is needed in adequate quantity and duration. What Insider rediscovers in reality is its ability forgotten be a conscious and fully receptive channel, learning in the process remain the silent art, doing without doing. Once completed the initiation, the channel remains fully open, and the connection with the vital energy can be considered complete, inexhaustible and limited, and available for life.
First degree of Reiki acts more specifically on the physical body, harmonizing the body and your metabolism, and especially the hormonal and immunological systems. Recent immunological findings reflect the existence of an operating axis between the mind and body as two connected polarities of the same reality.
The second level of Reiki is reserved for those people who have completed the first level before. Initiation includes the use and specific teachings of the three symbols of Reiki that taught at this level, known as the symbol of strength, the symbol of light and the symbol of love, to increase power, provide mental and emotional healing and provide treatment distance, respectively. With second grade our energy is tuned, increases vibration, transmutes and elevates their frequencies, also working with the unconscious, and on the other hand opens us to more subtle dimensions of consciousness. Ancestral symbols that were revealed to Dr. Usui awarded keys to intervene on the relationship between the psychic and mental conditioning and physical symptoms. Without a doubt, in the majority of cases, the source of evil is hidden in mind and, at times, beyond, in the spirit.
Third level of Reiki are taught after a period of practice in the second grade and the two symbols of the teachers to work with consciousness and spirit, raise energy channel, deepen and accelerate the resolution of the diseases and other special techniques as glass racks and astral surgery are taught.
Master open energy channel to the maximum, and in it, apart from revealing how to start others, various special healing techniques are taught to new teachers, giving one year of practice after receiving the first degree. In addition four symbols in Tibetan Usui system are revealed.
All disease is psychic before manifested in the physical body. When the mind and the spirit are not synchronized, any disharmony or discomfort, it affects the entire body, and begin to show the first symptoms of the disease. "Being sick means being disconnected from everything... If someone is ill this means that it has lost the ability to heal itself. It is no longer aware of their own source of healing. The healer can help meet your source... The role of the healer is reconnect."
Reiki works on all levels, physical, mental, spiritual and within the conscious mind and the subconscious of all human beings, by returning to the body and mind to its state of homeostasis and original wellness. This happens very quickly in the cases more treble, and gradually when it's diseases and chronic imbalances, and it helps the sick accept to participate consciously in their own healing, choosing to transform their conviction of being sick in an attitude positive and become responsible for their health. In this sense, a profound change of attitude of the patient support in a decisive manner in the healing process. Conscious decision and the free choice of cure, sometimes sabotaged by unconscious resistance which is necessary to discover, in many cases constitute the main engine of the recovery and subsequent healing process.
Reiki allows each individual release of its own tensions and repressed emotions, providing a quick and effective means to eliminate the cause of the disease. "Heal the cause, and the effect will disappear," he used to say Mrs. Takata.
The universal life force is so powerful and bright that the healer does not absorb the personal power of the patient, unlike many methods of body work, where you always have to take into account the factor of retroabsorcion to avoid the transmission of any negative charge between patient and therapist consciously, through various techniques. The healer that Reiki channels may not broadcast to others their negativity and their tensions, which represents one of the great benefits of Reiki, it flows through a stand-alone channel independent of the energy field of the healer, which allows channel and receiving Reiki in any physical condition and mental, which is an exception only in the world of healing. On the contrary, the Reiki energy flows without any voluntary intervention, without the need of concentration or a particular State of consciousness by the healer, aware of both persons availability is only required to give it and receive it. However, meditation and mental silence that are taught in the second level help, in expanding the flow and channelization and extrasensory perception.
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