Reiki is a healing art ancestral of channeling universal energy through the hands,which was rediscovered in Japan at the end of the 19th century by Dr. Mikao Usui, andis based on an ancient Tibetan healing technique. Dr. Usui rediscovered this techniquethrough his research of Sanskrit texts in ancient Buddhist sutras of Tibetan origin.Reiki is energy cosmic universal, invisible and omnipresent; Reiki defined the life forcelatent in the interior of the human being, the ancient Chi of the Chinese. Reiki is theunion of these two words, Universal life energy. You can not do wrong, is pure, simpleand easy channel; and everyone can practice Reiki!
The Reiki energy flows after the initiation, by a master of Reiki in the hands of thehealer, acting in all dimensions of the human being: the physical side, the mental, theemotional and the spiritual, being a journey of healing and inner development.
The universal energy of Reiki is that has a specific frequency and energy that existseverywhere. Its frequency balances all other energy is. This energy is generated withinall forms of life. Any existing form is made of energy, and every form of life has itsown vital energy, the essence that gives us life. The universal life energy as theessence that sustains the life of all things can be explained.
Always man has invoked the absolute in many ways, asking for help to the forces anduniversal energies, seeking healing and inner growth. [At all times, and in manycivilizations, human beings have been cured intuitively imposing on itself and on theother hand, relieving aches and pains thus, calming and comforting, relief andaffection with mere spontaneous contact of] as hands on different parts of the body.In some very old traditions that have been transmitted and preserved up to our days,there are still healers as the Kahunas of Hawaii, and healers, therapists and medicalnaturists imposed hands in order to balance the body energy, eliminate energyblockages, promote a State of relaxation and polarize and stimulate forces self-healing sick, both humans and animal and plant organisms.
Many of the old enlightened masters have used their hands as channels of light andlove, and for the physical, mental and spiritual healing of people approaching them.Many of the great miracles of Jesus, Buddha, and the transformative healing Ilevadasamazing cures performed by enlightened beings are conscious energy manifestationsand essence of this healing force and transforming, channelled through the initiates ofall time.
Reiki has different effects, namely: sustains and stimulates the natural ability of thebody's self-healing if same, revitalizes the body, soul and mind, and restores balanceand mental and spiritual well-being. Balances all corporal powers, and releases andreleases the energy locked in the body, promoting a State of total relaxation and innerpeace. Cleanses the body of toxins and is adjusted if itself to the needs of therecipient. It works with humans, animals, plants and even minerals. It is a method ofintensely pleasant healing and holistic, stimulating creativity and awaking impersonallove which gives it and he who receives it, enhancing also the energy of both at thesame time.
So what is Reiki? "It comes from space since the universe", used to tell Dr. Hayashi. "Itsstrength is so large that we can't measure it, it is so deep that we not probe it; "that iswhy, in Japanese, the Ilamamos Reiki." And he would add, "its principles are the sameas the radio, this energy through space without wires, and we know that this greatforce can be contacted. Once contact is made, the energy flow is automatic. It isunlimited universal energy. When the switch is open the power is infinite. "When you want to stop it is very simple, only need to remove your hands."
Explain the nature of Reiki is like trying to define love or light. It is an existentialphenomenon that can only be perceived through personal experience and experience.The words are only mere approximate descriptions, universal life force manifests itselfin the silence of the mind. No one has been able to explain exactly what it is, and no one has been able to categorize it rationally, and however does not require an alteredstate of consciousness to practice.
At different times, different cultures have it called with different names. It is the Chi of the Chinese, the Prana of the Hindus, the Mana of the Kahunas of Hawaii, the divine power of the ancient kings, the healing power of Hippocrates, or the Ka of the Egyptians.
Reiki is simply everywhere, and we are unaware of it until establishing contact through initiation, after which can be received and converted into energy healing. Reiki is a technique that fires after the initiation, which is an existential experience which allows to establish a State of communion with the universe. Initiated to Reiki is as effortlessly into contact with a subtler dimension of existence, invoking the vital force, light and love, for his service as a channel for healing of the body and the mind, and as an instrument for the expansion of human consciousness. Invoke the power of Reiki means at the same time make your server and let it us used as channels without personal ambition, not even of cure, for it is she who heals and not the healer.
Contact the Reiki energy is the basic attempt to seek the origin of every manifestation of life. Consciousness has no way. Exists beyond time and space, in the "here and now", the only existential reality, beyond the rational intellect. This is the dimension of the no-mind, essence of Zen, and of all meditation, immortal and all-powerful spirit realm. Contact energy is how to participate naturally of the greatest mysteries of the magic of life. [It is to begin to integrate to] game cosmic, is approaching to live life without fear and as a great adventure.
It is not a coincidence that a method of healing as Reiki has been rediscovered, and brought back to the existence of our times, to recognize as a fact that the deeper wisdom of life lead to love, a unifying power that underlies the universal energy and that leads us to a State of total unification with the whole of creation. The actual goal of humanity is experiencing this State and live it. Love is the original home of the soul, where returns to unify as a drop in the unlimited ocean of being, a State of union that encompasses the knowledge and wisdom, creativity and harmony, as well as personal, all love surrounds it and eternal delight. Reiki can help us find our way back to this State essential holistic.
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