What you should know before you begin your yoga practice for beginners!
Not even know where start?
Step by step guide so you can begin your practice of yoga at home
1.-before to start their asanas of yoga, it is important to recognize the capabilities of your body. Never force your body in a position trying to go beyond its limit. Yoga is not a competitive sport. Progress may be slow, but over time your body will become flexible.
2.-some positions affect mood and energy in a different way.- The most exciting Poses include greeting to the Sun, bending backwards and standing postures. These positions are better in the morning. The most appropriate for the evening are tilt forward, investment and relaxation poses. Sitting bending forward are ideal to relax and recharge energy...
3. many of our regular daily activities tend to emphasize the use of a part or a single side of the body. To achieve a healthy and harmonious balance, it is important to keep all parts of the body equally strong and flexible. To achieve the balance of the body, always use both sides equally. For example, if you make bending forward, also do bending backwards to work the front and back part of the body creating the balance.
4.-anyone who is the particular purpose of your yoga session, may begin with 2-3 positions of warming, such as: The position of the mountain, the pose of the dog looking down or the greeting to the Sun, as it stretches the spine, arms and legs. Or you can simply start with a brief session of yoga stretching exercises.
5-a posteriori, can pass to others more grueling asanas that strengthens the body and increases the resistance. Asanas how: standing poses (mountain, triangle, Warrior, foot forward, bend investments and bending backward.) To relax and soothe the nerves, practice the sitting pose, tilting forward (the child pose) or the dorsal ulnar how the corpse pose.
6.-your routine should be well rounded and you must include some poses of all major groups: foot, investments, torsion, bending forward and bending backwards. But everything should be gradual, don't rush. Between poses, take 1 to 2 breaths to calm the mind.
7.- Inhalations are generally used with movements up or expansion. The fumes are usually with movements down and contraction.
8.- Going from a position to another without breaking the way is called "sequence" or vinyasa in Sanskrit-this method of practice allows a balanced training, regardless of the length of the practice.
9.-at the end of practice, it is important to take 5 to 10 minutes to relax the body. The relaxation is a State of receptivity total where, through the breathing deep, the body can replenish and rejuvenate is to itself same. Always finish with several minutes of asanas relaxation (asana of the corpse, or child pose).
10.-consider yoga as an ongoing process and not an individual achievement- Some people are genetically less flexible or you have muscle groups harder than others. Be patient with yourself. Yoga can be an activity for a lifetime, but your persistence, perseverance and discipline are necessary to receive all the benefits that yoga offers.
He makes the practice of yoga with patience and perseverance. If your body is not flexible, you can most of the yoga positions are you difficult. Don't worry if at first you can't do adequately asanas, I assure you that you will be easier with repetition and practice. The rigidity of the muscles and the joints will gradually decrease. It starts with the most basic yoga positions, and when you feel comfortable experimenting with other more level. Remember always to rest between the positions. If you're feeling tired @, rests on the position of the child, and then continues the practice.
You must find a yoga class that meets your needs and choose a professor with whom you feel segur @, and it will be interesting. With this security and support you can deepen your yoga practice, taking into account your injuries, or specific conditions. Sometimes it takes time to find the right yoga class and the teacher that suits your needs.
But do not worry. Researches on the Internet, ask your friends or family members who practice yoga. Ask for advice, and then undergoes for you mism @. When you find yourself with the correct class and the teacher right you'll know, your body, your mind and your soul will send you a sign of satisfaction that you'll receive.
You don't need more to be happy, but it would be great that every two or three times a week you could extend the practice of yoga for a longer time (45-90 minutes). But any time you spend yourself to concentrate on your practice, being aware and experiencing its benefits, will be enough for every day be happy!
The most important thing is that you stay not only in theory. If you know why you want to practice yoga. And you want to start your first practice at home. I congratulate you. I recommend you look before, some yoga positions or yoga for beginners videos. Or if you can recommend that you go to any classroom before. In any case remember more of what your body can do. Listen to your body, the will always be your guide!
If you want to start with some basic yoga positions for beginners don't see Basic routine of Yoga for beginners. If you are looking for a good course of yoga online, I recommend the Iyengar Yoga course: enhancing your life that I consider the best in Spanish.
Already you ocupastes have that distraction-free space. You have your comfortable clothes. And you're list @ on your mat. You wonder now that I do?
Start with the basics, you don't have to follow the order, although it is recommended to start with the foot to create the base or Foundation. You can choose to start with that you feel better and create your routine with 2 or 3 asanas daily for 10 to 15 minutes to start.
Basic routine of Yoga for beginners
Note: I started with some classes, your you can do the same thing or if you prefer for your convenience you can start your class of yoga online at home.
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Mercedes, Namaste!
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