Exercises for regular chi and open the meridians
Pre-heating for the practice of Tai Chi of Jaume Diaz sequence, you can dirijiros this teacher to receive a precise statement about its execution (repetitions, breathing, contraindications) and benefits.
To practice this exercise must not force our possibilities. The regularity and the correction in its execution is more important.
Rub hands. We cherish first an arm from hand to shoulder up the outside and down the internal (several times from 3 to 6).
Rub your hands again. We cherish the forehead first with one hand and then with the other (clean, so movements are always from the Center to the outside).
We cherish the eyes from the lacrimal abroad with the tips of the fingers.
We stopped the palms open eyes without touching them (bath).
We cherish the nose with the fingers of one hand
We cherish the lips of form similarFrotamos hands. We cherish the nape of the neck and then the neck
Vigorously rub the belly (Tanti) and then the kidneys.
Slip Palms from the kidneys to the ankles by the back of the legs and climb on the ankles to Tanti for the front.
Turn your head to the left and move it to the right with the Chin low, bending the neck to the front. The action must be soft and relaxed. Descending we exhale, when ascending inspiring.
We bring the left ear toward the shoulder (without moving the shoulders) by bending the neck laterally. Raise the head and tilt it to the right.
We turn the shoulders first back toward the front, after front to back. The shoulders have been moving in a wide circle.
We turn back arms forward forming large circles. After front to back.
We went forward, arms at shoulder height, and shook them from the shoulder to the tip of the fingers to drop elbows and wrists. Your arms should be relaxed.
We bring the arms to the sternum and launched them forward keeping them at shoulder height, palms facing the floor.
Open arms in cross, at the height of the shoulders, parallel to the ground, with your palms on each side of the body facing the sky. We bring hands to the neck, bending the elbows. We launched hands at the sides, keeping the height of the forearms.
With your arms loose beside the body, grabbed the left wrist with his right hand and raise your left arm. We stretch it strongly upwards. Do the same with the right arm (once each arm).
We join hands with your arms raised over your head and stretch strongly upward being careful stretching the torso and waist. Dolls are intertwined in a way that the back of the left hand is located to the right side and vice versa.
We practice a similar stretch with hands experienced at the front and the arms parallel to the ground, at the height of the shoulders.
We stretch the arms towards the floor with your palms horizontal, parallel to it.
Turn waist leaving loose arms. We must look like a rag doll, however the feet remain firm and stretched column. Shoulders gyrating to the beat of waist and arms.
With your arms loose beside the body, stretched his left arm with the Palm open toward the sky and we keep stretching from the tip of the fingers and the Crown, we bow to the right in order to stretch waist, keeping the vertical arm. The same thing to the left.
We turn with the waist as if jugasemos the ring game. First one side and then the other.
Feet together. We bow and bend the knees slightly so they are loose. turn your knees in a horizontal circle first one direction and then another. Toes should not take off from the ground, take care of not taking off the sides of the foot or heel.
We bend the waist forward, with your back straight, stretched through the head. Finally we relaxed head. A moment we abode. We incorporate.
Open toes and bend the waist to one side by pulling the leg on the side toward which we bow and slightly bending the other. We repeat the same action to the other side.
We bend the waist forward until the backs of the hands rest on the ground without bending the legs.
We crouched with your feet wide apart the width of shoulders, squats. Knees taped to the chest, without touching the ground with the coccyx. The feet must remain glued to the ground. We support the elbow on the inside of the legs, at the height of the knees and joining the palms of your hands to form a horizontal with forearms, separating the knees.
We abode a moment with the thumbs resting on the chest and head relaxed. We put the palms on the ground and we got up very slowly without raising his head. To get up we right column from the sacrum to the Crown, vertebra to vertebrae, to finally when we are fully upright, lift up their heads. (Attention to this exercise is necessary to be careful).
We separate the feet twice the width of the shoulders and bend the legs with the torso erect, as if we were to sit (a couple of times). We adopt the position of the rider and relax a while (five minutes will be enough) comfortably seated in the air, with thighs parallel to the floor, vertical ankles and toes facing, probes so that both feet are parallel. The vertical column. (At the beginning can perform this position down to where allow it your physical shape although it is advisable that from the very beginning cuideis the position of feet ankles and spine, do it daily and demand you every day a little more).
We get up and stretch one and another leg by bending the opposite knee, facing. We stooped to where you are able to, but always without take off the heels of the soil. The column can be tilted. Perform full globalisation leg stretch the heel out and the toes toward us.
We performed another stretch of the legs facing one side and bending the knee of the direction towards which we look, leg stretching is that is behind us.
Finally we open both legs we can (feet rooted on the ground, parallel, facing. They must peel off the ground or the sides of the foot or heel) we are inclined towards the front waist and when it is parallel to the ground, perfectly stretched and straight stretch slightly from the bones (buttocks) back, finally relaxing head to stand for a moment.
We are ready to continue. Relaxed and full of energy.
This sequence is extremely beneficial and can be done daily to get up or before going to sleep in a period of 10 to 15 minutes.
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