Supplements for weight loss: can be dangerous

Many of these products, in addition to being ineffective, unsafe because they carry serious health risks
With the arrival of good weather, we are reminded of diets abandoned half-year and the products that advertise the loss of weight, fat and/or volume. Supplements or food supplements market whose advertising slogan is the contribution to weight loss is a lucrative business: in Spain, it is estimated that only in "miracle products" to lose weight approximately 2,050 million euros are spent each year. However, experts insist that their consumption could have detrimental effects on health.

The warning is clear: more than 70 products to lose weight containing pharmacological ingredients not declared and marketed in the United States could pose serious health risks, according to the Food and Drug Administration (food and Drug Administration FDA) of the Department of health and human services of the Government of the United States. The alert began last December when the FDA warned American consumers of the presence in the market of 28 products advertised for weight loss that contain active drug ingredients and which were not declared on the label.

The denunciation of the FDA

At the beginning of this year, 41 fraudulent products had identified more and, now, the list now exceeds 70. These products, which are marketed as supplements or food or dietary supplements regularly and often accompanied by the words "natural" or "herbal", can be achieved very easily over the Internet, as well as in shops and businesses.
The danger comes, according to the FDA analysis, the content of potentially harmful ingredients that are not declared on the labelling or advertising. Almost all of the analyzed products found (sibutramine, an anorectic drug (decreases the appetite) used in the treatment of obesity and that, in some supplements, exceeded more than three times the recommended dose.) This excess is a risk of increase in blood pressure, tachycardia, palpitations and convulsions.

The following compound with increased presence was phenolphthalein, used chemical makes years as a laxative but that the FDA banned in 1999 for being potentially carcinogenic in humans. Its use is also prohibited for years in other countries such as France, Germany, Italy and Japan, while in Spain it is still used as a laxative.
Some supplements showed to contain traces of phenytoin, anticonvulsant medication that could cause problems for consumers allergic to or hypersensitive to buprenorphine. One of the products contained Rimonaband, a drug for the treatment of obesity not approved in the United States and withdrawn from the European market in October 2008 by serious psychiatric side effects.

Another supplement found Bumetanide, a diuretic drug with serious potential risks associated with its use. Cetilistat was also found in one of the products, drug pilot - is still in study - for the treatment of obesity and that are associated with many adverse affects of gastrointestinal, cutaneous and renal type, as well as interactions with other drugs.
Other compounds found in some supplements were Fenproporex, a stimulant derived from amphetamine which is not approved in the U.S.; Fluoxetine, active drug ingredient of the antidepressant drug Prozac; and Furosemide, principle asset of a powerful diuretic which can only be achieved by prescription and used for the treatment of hypertension, edema, and heart failure.

The active ingredients, to study

Products and their active ingredients analyzed have shown that they do not meet the criteria to be safe and effective at the same time
The controversy with supplements marketed for weight loss goes beyond the crime of tampering with drugs and toxic substances detected by the FDA. And it is that these products contain various substances that, as you advertise, contribute to weight loss, decreased fat mass or acceleration of metabolism, among others.
Several studies, among which stand out those of the Department of alternative medicine of the universities of Exeter and Plymouth (United Kingdom) and the of the University of Harvard (USA), evaluated the efficacy and safety of which studies have been conducted, and supplements that contain any of the following components: chitosan, chromium picolinate, "Ephedra sinica", "Garcinia cambodia" , pyruvate, mate, conjugated linoleic acid, ginseng, green tea, L-carnitine, "Psyllium", root of Saint John, yohimba, glucomannan and guar gum, hydroxy-methylbutyrate and "Plantago psyllium".
The conclusion reached was that none of the supplements with the aforementioned ingredients had effectiveness or safety in weight loss. For example, supplements that contain "Ephedra sinica", ephedrine, which Yes showed some effectiveness, are associated with a high risk of adverse effects such as psychiatric, cardiovascular or gastrointestinal symptoms.
Recent is also analysis of the products to help lose weight most traded in pharmacies that made public last summer CONSUMER EROSKI. The 12 most marketed products as well as 14 dietary supplements that based on its supposed effectiveness these products, only one, glucomannan, may show some scientific evidence, by its effect of satiety and reducing appetite.

Scientific evidence and recommendations

According to researchers at the University of Harvard (USA), it is necessary to be able to recommend a supplement that has a great scientific evidence about the quality of product safety (not having adverse effects) and their effectiveness. The review, study group and positioning of the Association Spanish of Dietitians-nutritionists (GREP-AEDN), in its document's stance on "food for weight loss supplements", declares that there are reviews of the scientific literature's prestigious reputation they have examined the efficacy and safety of these products and their active ingredients, and have shown that do not meet the criterion of being safe and effective at the same time.

It is also true that many plug-ins which are not studied and, therefore, neither can be considered effective, and much less insurance sold. Several scientific institutions as the American Dietetic Association, and Spanish, the Spanish society of Endocrinology and nutrition (SEEN) and the Spanish society for the study of obesity (SEEDO) claim that these foodstuffs, cannot be recommended because no non-pharmacological substance has shown efficacy and/or safety in weight loss.


It should be noted that products cited in the American investigation have never been approved by the FDA and, therefore, they are considered illegal in the U.S. Measures of confiscation, issuance of injunctions and criminal charges, have been initiated as it is considered a crime of public health because of the serious risk that may involve the consumption of these products for a large number of potential users, due to the ease of acquisition of many of them.
For those who have already consumed them, the FDA recommendation is who come to health professionals. In any case, the organization also warns that it is always advisable to let yourself be advised by health professions recognized and qualified when you decide to consume any kind of product to treat a disease, as in this case, obesity.

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