What is life? A frenzy.
What is life? An illusion,
a shadow, a fiction,
and the mayor is small;
that life is a dream,
and dreams, dreams are.Calderón de la Barca
Perhaps that erotic dream that you had was not what they really wanted, but nonetheless made you experience great pleasure. You had one of the best orgasms of your life, or real contact did your body only, without touching.
Each of us will give you a different meaning, but the truth is that erotic dreams are a result of a natural sexual impulse. May that they have taken out a few smiles when you wake up, but it is also easy to generate us embarrassment and confusion.
Erotic dreams reflect emotions and sensations
Erotic dreams are prepared with a base of emotions, sensations and experiences lived, imagined or cherished. However, their characteristics go beyond, and sometimes can even impress us.Dreams have to give them their just importance, as dreams, dreams are.

1 respond to our sexual urges and needs
To do so does not mean that we want to happen what was narrated to us our dream, but we crave certain sensations which we are exploring.However, it may happen that we want the person that we dream and that, since there are no restrictions in our dreams , we give rein to our desires.
2. our erotic dreams tend to be surreal, sensual and unstructured.
Rare is the time that the structure of our dreams follows a pattern of reality. Even we behave as we do or would do so in real life. Therefore, is quite common to dream of senseless, violent, aggressive, or funny sexual practices.This can confuse us and worry about, therefore it is important that we know that it is perfectly natural and does not reflect why any kind of emotional problems.
3. occasionally we will see changes in our body when you wake up
The excitation produced by a wet dream is so real that we can observe signs of sexual arousal (erection, ejaculation, vaginal lubrication or pelvic movements) when you wake up.In addition, we can experience the so-called night orgasm or the "great of the world of dreams oohs". They are spontaneous orgasms which, without any physical contact, we illustrate the power our mind has on our body.
4. what we have gay dreams when we're heterosexual and vice versa?
Having homosexual or heterosexual dreams not being it does not reflect our sexual orientation. Simply, it is the filtration of the possibilities of sexuality in dreams, although it is not interest in them in everyday life. We all have fantasies and desires not chords with our guidance at some point."The great" oohs from the world of dreams
"The great" oohs from the world of dreams It is experienced even by those who have problems reaching orgasm being awake. Pleasantly known and desired, the study of the wet dreams offers us a few references that you discussed below:Having nocturnal orgasms is fascinating, but unfortunately, science has not found a way of getting them.
1. women can experience them at any moment of his life.
2. men are more likely to have them in moments in which assets are not sexually, i.e., before even masturbate or keep sex regularly (puberty or adolescence).
3. wet dreams in men are called nocturnal. In addition, ejaculation during sleep is common, again at puberty.
4. men may have multiple erections at night that will not end in orgasm, the blood flow to the penis increases and decreases steadily.
5. for some people it may be easier to get an orgasm asleep than awake, as erotic dreams are free of distractions, anxieties and restrictions.
6. the most common and probable is that nocturnal orgasms are obtained as a result of an erotic dream and don't even remember them.
7. some positions at bedtime can generate more erotic dreams and orgasms. There are studies showing that sleep upside down is related to having more intense dreams. Surely, this is due to that this posture provides more contact between the bed and the our genital areas, which could cause greater excitation.

Erotic dreams are much more common than we think. In addition, both men and women tend to have them in the same proportion; However, we differ in the content of what we dream.
What do women dream?
In the female erotic dreams relationships with famous people tend to occur more frequently. Thus, most of the women dreams of sex, celebrity and other former partners.
Another peculiarity of the erotic dreams of women, also that a large percentage of them (18%) dream of unwanted sex, as showed him a study conducted at the University of Montreal (Canada) by Dr. Antonio Zadra.
This research also asked participants if ever dreamed that your partner also reached orgasm, 4% said yes.
What men dream about?
Men dream of having erotic encounters in his dreams with people who don't know. This differentiates them from women, who tend to dream of people who know, or not have had prior actual sexual contacts.The men, however, dream in a lesser proportion (5%) with unwanted sex. On the other hand, when assessed in males if they dream that their sexual partners reach orgasm, none answered affirmatively.
This last question reinforces, not without controversy by generalization, the stereotypical idea that men are more likely to think about their own pleasure above the rest.

However, it is very important that we realize the importance that have these results. Aside from polemics, the fact of women and men in the same proportion to experience orgasms oneiric offers us information about "playing field" regarding sex.
Since women tend to have more difficulties to experience orgasms, this leads us to consider the importance of the emotional blockages that punish the full enjoyment of our sexuality.
In short, erotic dreams are a sexual practice alone that you have to enjoy, because they bring us great pleasure and knowledge about ourselves.
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