Seeds of papaya against intestinal parasites

Intestinal parasites can appear by consuming food or water contaminated, or by poor nutrition. They are in the colon walls and can be the source of many ailments
Semillas de papaya contra los parásitos intestinales
Intestinal parasites are a common health problem of what we believe. However, they are difficult to detect because its symptoms can be confused with other imbalances: digestive disorders, nervousness, appetite, etc.
In this article you will learn what and how to know if we have them, as well as an excellent natural remedy based papaya seeds.

Intestinal parasites are worms of different types that are installed on the walls of the intestine and cause many health problems.
Parasites are transmitted through food or water contaminated with fecal material containing the eggs of parasites.
However, is also fundamental balance of the intestinal flora at the time of having some good defenses to fight them. Those who suffer from disorders bowel often, as, for example, constipation or diarrhoea, are more vulnerable to suffering from parasitic diseases.
Many people suffer from them without knowing it, so it is important to know the most common symptoms.
If we suffer at least three of the following symptoms should see a doctor to rule out or confirm we have parasites:
  • Apparent without cause intestinal disorders .
  • Nervousness or anxiety.
  • Nasal or anal itching.
  • Loss or increase in appetite.
  • Nutritional deficits despite a balanced diet.
  • Anemia.
  • States of nervousness, anxiety or sadness.
  • Bloating and flatulence.
  • Weight loss.
  • Fatigue without reason.

The seeds of papaya, round shape, glossy appearance and slightly spicy taste are an excellent remedy to eliminate intestinal parasites.
The recommended amount is 40 seeds per day.
Antiparasitic treatment can take them in two different ways:
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