Butter milk consumption helps us to improve our health. Its active ingredients, as their compounds polysaccharides, function in case of infection as antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and healing agents
In recent years the kefir has become fashionable among the population, and in particular, in all those who seek power the most natural way of improving your health.
Kefir is a probiotic very suitable to reinforce the balance of the intestine and improve digestion.
An interesting aspect of kefir is that many people who have lactose intolerance well accept this food.
The reason? Lactose tends to "inflame us", is not digested well and causes us discomfort, which is a type of animal origin sugar.
During the process of fermentation of kefir, lactose becomes, lactic acid which helps us digest it much better. However, you should be yourself who see how you feel.
Invite you in this article to find out more details about this wonderful probiotic, and so rely on studies conducted by various Dietitians in the "Authority Nutrition". Will you join us?
1. but what is kefir?

Kefir is fermented goat or cow milk and has a characteristic acid and intense flavor because the sugar has vanished precisely by the effect of fermentation.
Thus the rate of lactose has been reduced thus promoting which can digest better.
This process, carried out with the most stringent security measures, makes appear different yeasts and bacteria which will have as a function strengthen your immune system, and improve our bacterial flora.
Now, sure you may be wondering, but then... Is kefir a yogurt? Not exactly:
- Kefir has always a taste slightly bitter, while the yogurt is softer due to its higher presence of lactose.
- You can also find kefir granules or liquid, while yogurt always has a creamier texture.
- During the process of fermentation, kefir is exclusively with the nutrients most elementary of milk notably reducing the presence of lactose.
- In this way, thanks to its micro-organisms, the intestinal flora is enriched at a much higher level than with the yogurt, and removed the pathogenic bacteria that inhabit the intestine and often cause gastroenteritis.
Kefir is one of the best probiotics that we can consume
When speaking of probiotics the first that you will think is, undoubtedly, in classic white yogurt.
However, one of the most powerful that exist today is kefir. From the Centre for cooperative research in Biosciences of Spain give us the following data:
Antibacterial and antifungal properties of kefir
Kefir is very effective for fighting many bacteria, such as salmonella, H. Pylori, shigella, and e. coli, and even fungi such as Candida albicans.This is because active principles of kefir as its polysaccharides compounds that act as great agents, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and healing in variety of infections.
The immune power of kefir
Kefir works as immune guard of the intestinal mucosa, hence that is suitable to take either drink kefir or their granules, rich in more than 30 strains of bacteria and yeasts beneficial to our general health and, above all, digestive.You can take daily kefir with natural fruits. In addition, also you can prepare appropriate juices that will also strengthen your immune system.Nutritionists tell us that this natural food derived from fermented milk contains a type of unique probiotic called Lactobacillus kefiri, one of the most powerful to combat harmful bacteria.
Kefir improves bone health and combat the risk of osteoporosis
As you may know, osteoporosis is very common among women, a chronic disease that causes pain and that increases the risk of fractures.An effective way to strengthen bone tissue is undoubtedly increase our dose of calcium, and as often happens routinely, many who do not tolerate too well there is lactose in cow's milk.
An option that we must bear in mind is kefir which will also contain a high amount of calcium, it is very rich in vitamin K2, a type of nutrient basic to promote the calcium metabolism.
You do not have more than begin to include it in your diet in time to see way how you feel , and if you see that you digieres it well and does not cause you any trouble, you can take regular in your breakfast.
How to can I consume kefir?
Where can I buy kefir?
- In supermarkets, in the area of dairy or dietician.
- Natural stores.
- You can find it in liquid form, or granules.
How to can I consume it?
- If buy you into granules you can consume about 100 g per day, ideal if you combine it with honey.
- It is very suitable to consume kefir in your breakfast, combined with fruits like papaya, cereal or oatmeal.
- If you buy kefir in liquid form, you can use a small glass (100 ml) after your central meal of the day. It will help you to make the digestion, and If you take regular, you reforzarás your bacterial flora and the immune system.
However, it feels very good and very nice.
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