All diet studied and proven science always provides motivation when it comes to face a new way of eating, especially when you want to lose those extra pounds. Many personalities from the world already put to work the genes of each group not only to lose weight but also to avoid the dreaded rebounds.
"Blood is magical, mystical and alchemical. It appears throughout history as a deep religious and cultural symbol. To know how early peoples adapted to the challenges posed by the diets, the germs and changing climates, we learn more about ourselves. Changes in climate and available food produced new types of blood. Blood type is the unbreakable link that unites us", explains the specialist in Anti Aging Rubén Mühlberger to our site.
From that starting point, the specialist lists them:
-Type 0: it is the most ancient and resistant immunologically
-Type A: is that one of the first immigrants forced to adapt to the agricultural cooperative communities.
-Type B: it is the assimilator adapted to new climates and mixtures of populations. In his union stronger mind and immune requirements.
-Type AB: is the result of a rare fusion between the tolerant type A and type B of origin barbarian but more balanced.
In that sense, it reinforces the theory that the differences in blood types reflect the human ability to adapt to different environmental challenges.
The famous RH is a binding protein influencing only haematological to accept questions or not transfusion of one blood group to another. Dietary Mühlberger proposes below, they do not influence the behavior to the food.
The diet, group by group
The diet of the genetic type 0: is the oldest group of all. The Hunter. Individuals who possess it thrive with physical exercise and the meat protein. The digestive tract of all these people maintains the genetic memory of the primeval times. The success of the diet of the type 0 depends on their consumption of lean meat, poultry and fish free of chemicals. Cereals and dairy products are not 0 individuals so beneficial as the majority of the people of the other blood groups because their digestive system is not yet fully adapted to them.-Foods that help you lose weight: cereals and dairy sparingly. Breads, vegetables and beans. The main factor of increase in weight for group 0 is gluten which is found in wheat germ and whole wheat flour products. These give slow metabolism.
This group needs to have a continuous slight State of metabolic acidity to be thin.
Most tend to suffer a slower since metabolism thyroid because it does not produce much iodine. Seaweed, fish, seafood, iodized salt, liver, red meat, spinach, broccoli, will be of great help.
-Foods that help with weight gain: Gluten from wheat, corn, beans, beans, lentils, cabbage, cauliflower,
-Additional vegetable protein: nuts and seeds
-Cereals: this group does not tolerate wheat and increase weight quickly with breads and derivatives. They are good however sprouted breads, pasta flour of rice. A neutral grain is quinoa and amaranth.
-Vegetables: desirable: chard, chicory, artichoke, sweet potato, pumpkin, beetroot, lettuce, potato, parsley leaves. NOT advisable: aubergines, mushrooms, corn, avocado and sprouts.
-Fruit: purple plum, fig, banana, Blueberry, cherry, peach, lemon, pear, Apple, white grape, melon, kiwi and watermelon. NOT recommended: banana, strawberry, Tangerine, Orange, Berry and honey melon.
The diet of the genetic type A: The first vegetarian. It needs a vegetarian diet to stay slim. The genetic mutation of the human group 0 was very fast to the A group. Survival was responsible for this change. It is very common in Western Europe.
The diet is opposite to type 0 because red meat slow down your metabolism. Dairy products for type A bring a very strong insulin reaction. They are not beneficial.
-Foods that promote weight gain: meats, dairy, beans, wheat in excess.
-Foods that promote weight loss: vegetable oils, soy foods, vegetables, fruits like pineapple. They can consume seafood three times a week. Milk fermented yoghurt and goat products. Soy milk. Oil of olive, nuts like almonds, walnuts, sunflower and peanut. Cereals such as buckwheat, amaranth, rice, wheat germ, wheat bran. Soybean, millet, oatmeal or corn bread bread.
-Fruits: they should eat fruit three times a day. Strawberry, Plum, pineapple, pineapple and citrus.
Type B genetic diet: are consumers balanced nomads dairy. They respond best to stress. They suffer from hypoglycemia. It is similar to type 0. They should restrict the gluten of wheat, maize, lentils, peanuts, Sesame, buckwheat.
-Foods that help you lose weight to this group: vegetables of green leaf, meat, eggs, liver, fish in deep water.
Diet of the genetic type AB: is the mixture of Caucasians type A and B of the Mongols. Is located at less than 5 per cent in its entirety. Ten or twelve centuries ago there was this group. It is said that it is a modern fusion. They have a sensitive digestive tract, an immune tolerant and better respond to stress.
It is a rare and complex group. To lose weight they must restrict the meat, increase the vegetables and tofu. They have a bad response insulin. They tend to hypoglycemia and should avoid wheat.
-Promote weight gain: red meats, beans, wheat, corn and sesame.
-Foods that promote weight loss: tofu, fish, dairy, vegetables, seaweed, pineapple.
The AB must be eating vegetables several times a day and should be careful of eating vegetables with few agrochemical and more organic. Limit the consumption of tomato. Tofu prevents them from cancer to the A and b should be to avoid fresh corn. They are intolerant to acidic fruits and should replace them with grape, Plum, strawberry, strawberries. In general, we recommend a supplement with vitamin C.
Group AB presents the metaphor of modern man.
"Our ancestors left us each one of us a very special, printed our genes of blood legacy: our blood groups." This legacy exists in each nucleus of our cells. It is here where converge the anthropology and the science of our blood", concludes the specialist.
Here ends this article on nutritional revolution: what is the blood type diet. Please continue browsing our site to find more tips to improve your life, and share itwith your friends if you find any useful
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