Not all of our negative emotions are harmful, but we must control them. The ups and downs and the lack of control of our reactions, even if they are positive, can be harmful to our emotional well-being

All the detoxification or body cleansing process is familiar. It is likely that one day, every time, you perform exercises and drink or eat foods that help you eliminate those toxins that accumulate in the body with the passage of the years.
We know that you we need to do it now, otherwise, our body can develop many diseases or have difficulties to work correctly.
So it is important that we occasionally resort to emotional cleansing and do so with the conviction that we cannot close our eyes and ignore none of what happens in our interior.However, not all know that toxicity is not only physically, but also mentally. Every day, we accumulate tension, stress, anxiety, anger, anger, concerns, etc. I.e., we feed our minds with healthy and unhealthy products, which generates relational and thought patterns which are harmful for our proper development.
5 toxic emotions that often accumulate
Not all negative emotions are unhealthy. For example, sadness and anger have their role. However, the lack of control of any of our reactions, even our joy, can be disastrous for our emotional well-being.
For this reason, the important thing is to control our emotions so that not become pathological and do us harm. So an anger should stay there and not give way to anger, while sadness must be controlled so that it does not become depression.
In the same way, we cannot leave that resentment, guilt or dissatisfaction will become permanent emotional States, as their cumulative effect is highly toxic to our health. See it below:
- Anger. You can help us protect ourselves but the truth is that it is an end that we should not exceed. In addition, the risk of suffering from an cardiovascular accident, because it keeps our body exalted and uncontrolled without give rein on a regular basis increases by 75%.
- Resentment. Being unable to turn the page and to forgive makes we stay stuck in the past, determining present and future life and conditioning it to a constant emotional pain.
- Dissatisfaction. Feel dissatisfied can help us improve. Without however, When this emotional state is consistent, we lose the enthusiasm for life and we block, what makes us estanquemos and perpetuemos discomfort.
- Blame. Feel guilty fills our minds of criticisms, complaints, lamentations and constant concerns. As a consequence, we will feel that we are worth little or nothing and dented the possibility of autorrealizarnos.
- Fear. It can be useful in that puts us on high alert against the possibility of that endangered our integrity. However, it can hinder our progress and become a limitation when it loses its sense, collapsing our senses and our ability to react.
See also: 5 ways to curb toxic family relationships
How to carry out the emotional cleansing
Firstly, it should be clear that we need time to detoxify us and that, moreover, just like when we have drunk too much alcohol, you will have a period of hangover. For its part, the emotional hangover is made up of guilt, anger continued, difficulties sleeping, uncontrollable sadness...Don't worry, because to identify your behaviors and your emotions already has begun the process of recovery. Knowing this you can already stop "drinking's negative emotions" and begin the cleaning process emotional that it makes you so much. Symptoms will disappear and your senses will be faithful to reality.
1. become an observer aware of your emotions
We have to understand that when we are under the influence of our emotions and insecurities we greatly impaired. We are not interpreting things accurately and are very likely to say or do things which we may regret later.Confronted with these problems, the important thing is that we are aware that we are drunks of emotions and that should give us time to debug them and accept them. do you feel dissatisfied, hot-tempered or guilty often? Doyou react disproportionately when does not happen what you expect?
If you want, you can start to write a daily emotional to the emotions you have experienced every day and its intensity. Looks for these reactions and name them. Sure you get surprised.
If we learn to identify these five emotions quickly, we realize our State of drunkenness, which will allow us a withdrawal on time that will prove to be extremely advantageous in our vital balance.

2 date permission to experience your emotions
It costs us to accept and experience our emotions because throughout life we have tried to hide and deny them. We must learn not to fear them and to be honest with ourselves, is the only way to deal with them and not let it happen the other way around.We recommend to read: the effects of emotions and negative in our body thoughts
3 get emotional diet
Stop eating those emotions that you've noticed that they hurt you. Forget about the complaint and the victimhood, anger, resentment, guilt, fear or any of the emotions that bother you.Walk through life can be difficult for a person intoxicated by their emotions, but is even more complicated to consider moving forward, not to boycott their progress or the achievement of its goals.
The only way to overcome this desire of personal suicide is to make us aware that there is the possibility that there is something inside us that feeds fear to achieve our goals and put you remedy.
Fear of our achievements is related, in large part, our inability to tolerate uncertainty. We are sick of certainty because we don't trust our ability to cope with whatever comes.
For this reason, it is advisable to periodically let us hold this process of emotional cleaning, so we are not that upset causing intoxication affect our well-being.
We live with certainty, we need to have it all tied, reattached and thousand times proven, which creates a buildup of toxins that unbalanced our interior and prevents us to be at peace with ourselves. If you are intoxicated, remembers that there is only one person in this world that will prevent you to reach very high and that person is you. Just with your demons.
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