Also known as "rash" rashes are a condition that inflames the skin, develop stains with relief and produce an itching or burning sensation. They are not contagious and usually occur in the months of summer, or intense heat, combined with fat, bacteria, dust or skin dry, resulting in a substance thick it blocked sweat glands. The medical term is "miliaria".
Symptoms and causes of rash
The rash appears in any person and at any age, in the neck, waist, chest, back and genitals, mostly. It is red and scratching violently blisters or pustules may occur at. The skin when it is affected by this type of rash itchy enough, can cause irritability and restlessness. It usually goes away within 5 or 7 days and others may appear to.Factors that trigger the rash include:
- Excessive exposure to the Sun (UVA and UVB) rays
- Much sweating during exercise
- Lot of clothes
- Lack of hygiene or cleaning of perspiration
- Use of synthetics
- Food poisoning

- Acidity of stomach
- Stress
- Side effects of certain medications
- Consumption of too much greasy food, or at any time
- Smoking
- Drinking alcohol
- Irritating articles (chains, earrings, bracelets, etc.)
- Humid and warm climate
Natural remedies for rash
- Take a bath of immersion with a few tablespoons of baking soda or oatmeal. Soak the area for an hour approximately. Both elements act directly on the skin and relieve the symptoms of the rash, such as itching and inflammation.
- Boil a handful of flakes of oatmeal with a little water until a paste forms. Wait for it to cool and place on a cloth or clean gauze. Applied as a compress on the affected skin.
- Place the shell of a watermelon in the refrigerator, wipe gently in the area with rash to relieve redness, heat and itching.
- Make an infusion of Chamomile and soak a cotton ball once it has cooled a little. It serves to clean the affected area and also to soothe the symptoms.
- Apply a stalk of aloe vera pulp directly on the rash to relieve redness and prevent dryness of the skin.

- Mix cornstarch with water to form a paste. Apply gently in the affected area and leave on until it dries completely. With a taolla soaked in cold water, then remove to cleaning without rubbing, delicately.
- Mix some leaves of Mallow with butter to a paste. Apply a sterile gauze and placed in the area where the rash appeared. Allow a few minutes to relieve the itching and soften the skin.
- Two stalks of celery in half a litre of water, boil for 10 minutes. Drain and soak gauze or cotton fabrics which shall then apply some pressure (without pain) in the rash area. Secure with tape or a bandage and leave on overnight.
- Apply cold compresses made with ice cubes, directly in the area of the rash, to relieve the heat and itching of the skininstantly. Also it is advised to take a bath with cold water (the maximum bearable).
- Soaking gauzes, sterilized in a mixture made with three parts of boiled water and alcohol. This serves to heal faster and prevent it from becoming infected.

- Mix two tablespoons of sandalwood powder with two tablespoons of coriander powder. Then two tablespoons rose water. Be a homogeneous paste. Throughout the affected area and allow to dry. Wash with cold water.
- Make a paste with Green Clay and water and place in the eruptions of the skin to reduce the redness and itching.
- Wash and step on some shells and banana (banana) and applied to the rash. Wrap the area with a cloth and hold firmly. Leave at least two hours to make this fruit allantoin detach their anti-inflammatory properties and antifungal.
- Apply a few drops of extract of Witch Hazel on the rash. You can also soak a cotton ball and place on the affected area. This home remedy soothes the itching, dry rashes and blisters with pus is.
- Chop a cucumber into small pieces and place in a blender or processor. Stir to make a paste and apply on the skin. Wrap with fabric and leaving a full day to act. This vegetable is an excellent anti-inflammatory.
- Make an infusion with some seeds of amaranth, leave to cool, soak a cotton ball and apply in the eruptions, as if it were a compress. Repeat several times a day (at least three, morning, afternoon and evening).
- Make an infusion of Marigold, an excellent remedy for dermatitis, Burns, the eczema, rashes and hives. Apply through a gauze soaked in the affected area.

- Apply a poultice with an onion crushed and macerated with a splash of Apple Cider vinegar. You can also leave the bulb of this plant diluted in water all night and soak a cotton ball in the resulting liquid. The onion has excellent soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Make a decoction of the root and dandelion leaves (half a teaspoon of each), boiling and let stand for a few minutes. It is indicated to treat many skin conditions such as acne, the eczema and rashes.
- Prepare an infusion of a spoonful of fresh or dried thyme by half a liter of water. Apply on the affected area to minimize the frequent symptoms of rashes.

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