What usually normally take for dessert? We know it, sometimes it is not easy to decide because we're afraid of gaining weight or because, sometimes, the dessert causes us pain stomach or acidity. Then, what would the most recommended?
Today in our space, we want to give you a suggestion as healthy as delicious that you'll love to try. Want to know what it is?
The benefits of yogurt with papaya

We assure you it's a dessert delicious and that won't cause you any unexpected or a poor digestion and stomach heaviness AfterEffect. Papaya yogurt is a wonderful combination for the whole family and one more than perfect option for after your lunch. It will help you feel with energy and gorged until well into the afternoon.
What if we see now what are all those benefits that can give us the combination of yogurt and papaya? Notes:
1. a natural cocktail of vitamins and minerals
With this dessert, you'll get an incredible treasure of vitamins and minerals, without forgetting those so beneficial bacteria that you need our intestine to strengthen our bacterial flora. With only a bowl in which include a natural yoghurt without sugar and approximately eight cubes of papaya, we obtain the following benefits:- Carbohydrates, proteins and fiber.
- Vitamin C, vitamin A, B2, niacin and folic acid.
- Phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and sodium.
- Beta-carotene and numerous antioxidants which will help us to combat the effects of free radicals.
2. a very digestive dessert

The simple idea of combining with papaya yogurt will allow us to combat the acidity of the stomach due to the high content of probiotics present in yogurt. Nor can we forget that papaya is one of most digestive fruits we have in nature, all thanks to a wonderful enzyme called papain, which, for example, helps us to better digest the proteins.
Likewise, it is also interesting to know that this dessert will help prevent annoying fumes and even to cure any gastrointestinal problems that you can suffer.
3. we help prevent constipation
If you're having a time of uncomfortable constipation, please do not hesitate to introduce this wonderful combination of papaya and white yogurt in your diet. If you follow a diet adequate rich in fiber, where not miss either these 2 litres of water a day, this dessert will become also an ally to treat constipation.Papaya, as you know, is very rich in fiber, and if to this we add the probiotics present in yogurt, get very effectively treat both the mild and temporary constipation. We encourage you to try it.
4 suitable for weight loss
This is very interesting. In an article published in the International Dairyjournal, they explained that eating a white yogurt a day (200 g) allowed us to go lose that fat that is contained in the stomach, in our abdomen. All down to these beneficial bacteria present in this type of milk fermented.However, remember: simply take a single white yogurt per day.
How should I prepare my dessert of yogurt with papaya?
First, it is possible that you may be wondering what kind of yogurt must include in this dessert. Our first recommendation is that you choose one always natural and unsweetened, given their benefits to our body. However, the second question would be as follows: which type of yoghurt is best? normal or Greek yogurt?There is no one better than another response. It all depends on your tastes and needs, hence you offer the following data for that be yourself that choose it:
Greek yogurt (225 g)
- 134 calories.
- 24 g of protein.
- 27% of calcium.
- In the production process, the water is filtered to make it creamier.
- 114 calories.
- 9.5 g of protein.
- 34% of calcium.
Ingredients for my dessert of yogurt and papaya

- A natural yoghurt without sugar.
- 8 cubes of papaya.
- 2 chopped almonds.
- 2 g of integral cane brown sugar.
- A bowl or a bowl.
- It is very simple to prepare. The first thing we will do is cut those 8 squares of natural papaya. Look for one that is not overly mature. Otherwise, you can much alter the final taste of our dessert.
- Turns plain unsweetened yogurt in Bowl and stir well for one minute so that it is well-creamy. Then add those pieces of papaya and returns to stir the entire mixture until our Bowl well homogeneous.
- The next step is very simple also. Simply sprinkle above this teaspoon of brown sugar cane integral, then let fall also those two chopped almonds.
- Now just have to leave it in the refrigerator about 10 minutes so that it is very fresh and so you can enjoy a healthy dessert as delicious.
- You can take it, if you wish, 3 times a week. It is ideal for children and especially for older persons, since it will help them to digest meals better, avoid classic constipation own senior citizens and, above all, to enjoy a dessert easy to chew and that you will like for its flavor.
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