How to care for the skin according to each season of the year

External factors cause the first signs of aging, so every routine to promote skin should vary depending on the time of year. A dermatologist lists a series of tips to take care of her progressively

Much has been already said about skin and existing treatments to help prevent skin aging. The truth is, when this problem is addressed, should be aware that the first signs of aging are both caused by intrinsic factors (such as own ethnicity, hormones, and Genetics) as for external or extrinsic factors.

"Dermatologist can act on this recent and recommended a progressive and sustained skin care. The skin is exposed to multiple factors causing oxidative stress. Throughout the year these factors vary, mostly depending on the season. For this reason, treatments or routines that continue to care for the skin, should vary depending on the time of year", explains the medical dermatologist Nélida Raimondo,

Raimondo then lists a number of tips for the care of the skin according to each season of the year:


The summer is dominated by heat and exposure to the Sun, therefore, is never more to warn about the damage caused by these factors and the importance of using sunscreen at all times, especially because one is exposed much of the day to the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

During these months, an sun protection factor high, greater than 30, which will provide both UVB and UVA protection should be used and, if possible, include an adherent. And if exposure is prolonged, in addition to guard every two or three hours, it is suitable to the use of sunglasses and hats wide-brimmed that protect not only the face, but also neck and ears, these latter, areas that frequently are injured by Sun damage.

In turn, must take into account that heat promotes the loss of transepidermal water and consequent skin dehydration that manifests itself through skin. It is recommended for that reason, the use of moisturizers more than once per day, especially after having been exposed to the Sun for a long period of time.

Taking into account that the skin is hydrated and feeds "from inside out", is suitable to maintain the routine of taking plenty of fluids (two to three liters a day, water, juices and broths) and incorporated into food products containing nutraceuticals, namely food whose constituents exert a beneficial action on health and can be incorporated using dietary supplements.

For this time of year, the convenient are the omega 3 fatty acids (in fish, shellfish, nuts, etc.), which help to restore the cutaneous barrier and the vitamin C (citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwis, among others) and E (in nuts, seeds, oil, paprika, etc.) that act as antioxidants that reduce free radicals and help combat oxidation as a factor in aging.


Autumn can be defined as a ¨bisagra¨ station since it acts as a transition toward winter, without presenting significant climate changes. The biggest difference with respect to summer is the drop in temperature and the intensity of the Sun. Therefore the FPS required during these months can be less and does not require frequent renewal.

Products that help repair the skin barrier, damaged during the summer can also be used. Shower in bath oils and emollient creams according to the age and the type of skin stand out.


Always diet must be complemented with nutraceuticals obtained from food or dietary supplements. It is recommended the use of those who help improve the immune response, as for example vitamin C, vitamin E and zinc (in oysters, meat, wheat germ, cocoa, etc.), taking into account the highest rate of allergies and respiratory pictures that occur during these seasonal changes.


Winter is the coldest season of the year and the largest amount of rain and wind. During this time, the skin is exposed to sudden changes in temperature since one varies between cold temperatures of the exterior and interior environments heated. For this reason, predominantly hiper-reactiva, dry skin.

The cold wind generates drying mainly in eyes, skin and mouth by which the use of moisturizers is recommended during the day, lip hydration products and artificial tears for those who require them. The use of guards is suitable for people with a history of skin cancer or photo-sensitive diseases.

During the winter, your skin is exposed to sudden changes in temperature.
It is very common at this time the inquiry by facial flushing, which is exacerbated by exposure to the air very heated. In these cases indicated decongestant facial Chamomile or Witch Hazel.

Finally, recommended intake of nutraceuticals that contain omega-3 to repair the lipid layer of the skin barrier and antioxidants as the isoflavone of soy, vitamin C and vitamin E that helps to keep the skin moisturized and healthy.


In the spring are much more frequent cases of allergies, especially reactive States such as atopic dermatitis and eczematides. Most of the queries are produced by the appearance of intense itching or irritation face due to the action of the alergizantes factors of the pollen.

This time should be to apply a high sun protection because ultraviolet radiation begins to be more harmful. Hydration and moisture should be continuous. Also, the skin barrier repair apply if it is healthy, avoiding the entry of allergens that may cause allergic pathologies.

This season, also the skin care must be complemented with the addition of nutrients to the diet that activate the immune system and prevent the formation of radical free products and oxidative as the vitamins C and E, folic acid (present in green vegetables and legumes) and lycopene (present in the fruit and vegetables from red) , among others.

In synthesis, throughout the year the skin care must be based on Sun protection, hydration and moisture and complemented with the addition of the aforementioned nutraceuticals, which prevent cell damage and thereby help prevent premature aging of the skin.

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