You can spend all your savings to buy or make hair masks, however, you will still see badly if your scalp is not in good condition. Dryness, excess fat and dirt severely affect it and it brings as a consequence dandruff, falling hair, dryness, brittleness, grease, etc. For this reason it is that it is of vital important to learn how to care for the health of your scalp.
Bases for a healthy scalp
The cleaning is the main thing. But do not give account, properly wash the scalp will prevent to accumulate dirt and impurities that are plugging the pores and do not allow the hair follicles will nurture. This "choking" to the skin and the hair, making it more brittle and weak. Also it doesn't mean that you have to wash the head every day, it is always good to find a balance. Experts say once every three days is the right time, because it allows the scalp to dry completely and can produce by their own means natural oils. When wash you the hair giving a massage and beam using a shampoo according to your type of skin. Avoid products that dry out or that are irritating. The best are those of oats, avocado, jojoba, honey , or wheat germ.
In relation to the masks, is good to know that are excellent for nourishing your hair but also the scalp. You must not never miss on a beauty routine. Aplicala once a week and as far as possible, that are natural. As for example, which is formed by mixing honey and plain yogurt. Revitalise, regenerate tissues and is antiseptic. You can apply with plenty on the scalp and comb gently to distribute throughout the hair. Replaces the skin with aloe vera pulp if you have very dry hair, so also hidratarĂ¡s your skin. Don't forget to regularly nourish.
Something that not all women have in mind at the time of worrying about the health of your hair is the diet. If fine dining your scalp (like skin in general) will be beautiful. When they are missing nutrients that will be seen at once in the body. Add to your meal plan daily seaweed, fish, fresh vegetables (such as celery, carrots, and alfalfa) juice, almonds, nuts, oils, vegetable milks and fruits. It does out fried foods, sauces, the spicy and flours.

Beauty products we use can be very damaging, even if you think they give you good results. Dyes, Straighteners, or the permanent are the worst because they have many chemicals.
Scalp: dandruff and psoriasis
They are two of the most common complications related to the scalp. In the case of dandruff appears more than anything in the front and first sections of hair (where is more visible) and is making in excess of dead cells. It can be treated with a good shampoo made with natural herbs.Psoriasis of the scalp is usually appear behind the ears, neck and hair lines. The scales are larger and more visible than dandruff and even some swelling of the root of the hair. To combat it is advisable to not brush constant or strongly to get rid of those flakes because it will exacerbate the problem. Not recommended for scratching or boot them frantically. The best thing you can do is wash gently, do not use hair dryer or styling. If the use of masks is allowed to nourish the hair. Furthermore, it is necessary that you pay attention to your personal life, because it may be a case of stress or anxiety.

For psoriasis in the scalp is recommended also to baths of seawater and let the Sun dry hair. The water marine oils from the skin and sound levels. Apply compresses of garlic in the worst affected areas or get massage with aloe verapulp. A good treatment is achieved by mixing a few drops of lemon juice, olive oil and arnica oil. Heat gently and apply to the scalp. Let stand a few minutes and wash in the usual way.
Images courtesy of Paul Downey, Brian Kelley, Ed Yourdon, Debs, Lauren
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