Due to the increase of glucose in the blood, our digestive systems may experience certain problems that lead to the non-absorption of nutrients

Diabetes is one of the most popular sufferings of today. As it is known, this disease appears in people whose body is unable to produce insulin, element that helps to regulate the blood sugar. Diabetes can be of different types or severity, although any of them has harmful health effects. This is in addition to an incurable but treatable condition. Therefore, you say then how does diabetes affect the digestive apparatus.
The functions of the digestive system
The digestive system is one of the most important for human South. It's a set of organs, including the mouth, pharynx and stomach, which have the function of process or transform food so that they can be absorbed and used mainly by the cells of our body. Therefore, the whole of the digestive cycle consists of transportation, secretion, absorption, and excretion.In this way, the digestive is fundamental for a correct functioning of the body in general. First of all because thanks to him we get the nutrients that our body needs. On the other hand, it helps us to remove or discard those elements that our body is no longer required.
How diabetes affects the digestive

As we know, the digestive process is done automatically. This means that our body does not need a stimulus consciously working to digest the food. On the contrary, our organism makes it itself only, thanks to the nervous system. However, diabetes causes failures in such a system, what in the end and after manifests itself in the proper functioning of the digestive system.
Due to the increase of glucose in the blood, our digestive system can be affected by certain problems such as diarrhea, constipation and burning in the stomach. Therefore, If our digestive system fails, this means that the nutrients in food are not fully absorbed by our body.
Paradoxically, many people who suffer from diabetes are obese. This is because high levels of sugar in the blood, since the cells are usually found in very poor condition. In addition, people with diabetes tend to have circulatory and immune system problems. This places diabetics in serious health problems, since they are more conducive to suffer from infections.
Thus the things, people with diabetes need to follow strict regimes of power and, where appropriate, take certain medications that help them to have a well-functioning digestive. Otherwise, these people will suffer serious damage to their health, missing nutrients that food can give them. An interesting option are probiotics, which are natural products that help our digestive system to function better.
In serious cases, diabetics should consult a specialist. In addition, they must be careful with the drugs to take, because some of them can seriously damage the stomach. Finally, it is important to keep blood sugar levels in the blood at the appropriate levels.
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