A bit of fiber is only required to start to lose weight without drastically altering daily food. It is not essential to make a diet at base to it, all that is required is to start introducing it.
It includes fiber in your diet
Fiber helps considerably to the intestine, decreasing the absorption of fats and therefore the calories in the body. In this way, prevents diseases of the heart, diabetes, constipation, water retention, and colon cancer.Therefore, it is healthy to be consume 20 to 25 grams of fiber per day. Different foods contains it, such as grains, fruits and vegetables. It is advisable to check nutritional labels for the amount of included fiber so that, in this way, they choose should contain greater abundance.
How to start?
It is necessary to slowly increase the amount of fiber in your daily diet for you stomach adjusts to it. Arise at first, colic, gas or bloating in the stomach. However, if changes are made in small portions for a considerable period of time these problems are avoided. In this way, it is advisable to introduce a food and after a few days or a week to ingesting a new one.You need to drink more fluids when increasing the consumption of fiber. Take 2 litres of water helps, but if you take less than 6 glasses a day, it is suggested that you add 2 cups more water. In this way, fiber assimilate better form in the body and this will not produce gases.
In this way, it is essential that by increasing the amount of fiber, you choose a healthy menu based on the Food Guide pyramid. Thus, it consist mainly in vegetables, grains and fruits.

Tips to increase fiber in the diet
- Is recommended to eat between 6 to 11 servings of pasta, bread, cereals, tortillas, rice and different beads on the day. 3 whole grains, trying to make the food should choose as a minimum:
- Parts with 5 or more grams of fiber in whole grain cereals
- Beads different such as barley, brown rice, quinoa, bulgar and buckwheat.
- Ground whole corn, oatmeal, whole oats or wheat flour, which must be 100% in its entirety.
- Between 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables should be eaten per day. If you want to increase the fiber, the variety of fruits and vegetables, should be expanded eating them whole, and not in some other way as in juices, leaving them with shell. Also, dried fruit can be ingested. Vegetables and fruits that contain a high content of fiber include:
- Cauliflower
- Apples
- Beans
- Berries
- Oranges
- Figs
- Pears
- Peas (peas)
- Brussels sprouts
- Broccoli
- Carrots
- Prunes
- Lettuce
- Chard
- Mushrooms
- Turnips
- Pumpkin
- Consume nuts and beans between 3 to 5 times during the week. For example, 3 grams of fiber are available in ¼ Cup of nuts. You can get fiber from beans, which have 7 grams of fiber in half a Cup. In this way, a way to include beans in meals per week, is replace or reduce the amount of meat on them. With respect to the nuts, they have facility to be added to salads, vegetables, or simply eat them without accompaniment. Some of these foods are:

- Chickpeas
- Colorado beans
- Black Bean
- Lentils
- Dry peas
- Beans
- Sunflower seeds
- Almonds
- Pecans
- Pistachios
- You can also replace white bread for breads or cereals. He is advisable to consume:
- 100% whole wheat bread
- Oats
- Wheat bran muffins (muffins))
- Multiple grains, dried, or cooked cereal
- Brown rice
- Popcorn
- At breakfast you can eat cereal bran, always checking food labels to check the amounts of dietary fiber which provides each brand. This is because some cereals to include less fiber.
- As last option, although it is the least recommended, may be dust or fiber pellets. These provide concentrated fiber and can help prevent constipation. However, they lack the additional nutrients that have whole foods.

Benefits of fiber
Foods that contain fiber, not have why be tasteless. Moreover, their preparation is varied, healthy and tasty on the palate. Along with this, it helps to prevent constipation, chronic diverticular disease, and hemorrhoids. In addition to nutrients, a diet that includes fiber has the ability to prevent and reduce the risk of many diseases.For example, helps with diseases of the heart, high blood pressure and stroke. Also, is useful against cancers of the colon, rectum and stomach. On the other hand, helps with type 2 diabetes and to maintain normal glucose in the blood, in addition to control weight by reducing calories.
Types of fiber
It must be borne in mind that there are two types of fiber when you want to add it to give it. These two are in the food and need to be ingested in equal parts.- Soluble fiber: This avoids complications of the heart, the chance of developing cholesterol and improves digestion. Some foods that have it are fruits, such as oranges, strawberries, lemon and lime. It is also in the oats, legumes and nuts.
- Insoluble fiber: insoluble fiber is that causes a feeling of fullness and that it satisfies. Foods that have it include wheat fiber, vegetables, cereals, rice and whole-grain breads and vegetables.
Although a diet rich in fiber benefits against constipation, to prevent ingesting it if you suffer from diverticulitis, since some foods may cause worsening of the symptoms.For this reason, is advisable to slowly increase the amount of fiber and if gas or abdominal distension are displayed, is due to an excessive amount of fiber. Thus, it is recommended to reduce portions consumed during a couple of days.
It is not necessary to do a diet to lose weight. Including a bit of fiber in the diet helps to reduce pounds more without having to go hungry. In addition, because it is in most of the food, the menu is varied, rich in nutrients and numerous benefits.
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