The ripe banana helps us to increase the number of white blood cells and strengthen the immune system. In addition, it improves cardiovascular health and favours the absorption of calcium

The banana is a very delicious fruit that we should include more frequently in the diet, not only for its exquisite taste, but because it is proven that contain important nutrients that improve the health of the body. Some time ago we tell you that banana consumption decreases depression, optimizes brain function, fights hypertension and, in general, can prevent various diseases. However, thanks to recent research we have been able to see a new benefit of bananas, specifically those that are ripe.
Bananas contain the Tumor Necrosis Factor
As the bananas are mature, they develop a series of dark brown and black stains invading almost all of your skin. Some prefer to avoid the bananas in this State, since they are sweeter and its texture can make them a little unpleasant. What few know is that many more dark spots have the banana, will bring greater benefit to the Agency and, in particular, to the immune system.A recent Japanese research revealed that ripe bananas contain a cytokine called TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor), which is released by certain cells of the immune system that have effect on other cells in the body. This is it which gives them properties that help fight cancer. Its effect is so powerful that you can fight against abnormal tumor cells that are present in our body.
The function of this cytokine is compared with the of lentinan, which is a chemical immunostimulant applied intravenously and also acts as an agent anti-cancer.
The effect increases according to their maturity, i.e. the more mature the fruit, the greater its anti-cancer effect.
More maturity, higher quality of their nutrition
As the fruits ripen, they will taking changes in terms of its nutritional value, increasing or decreasing its properties. In the case of the banana, found that the more matures, higher level of antioxidants concentrated. In addition, when you already have these dark spots, the starch content changes into simple sugars that are easy to digest.In the study by Japanese scientists, were tests associated with the consumption of various ripe fruits: bananas, grapes, Apple, pineapple, pear, watermelon and persimmon. At the end of the investigation it was concluded that the ripe banana is more beneficial than other fruits, since it has the ability to increase the number of white cells in the blood and strengthen the immune system.
To take advantage of this important benefit of the banana is recommended to eat 1 or 2 pieces a day.

It increases the defenses and prevents us from diseases
Scientists consider that the more mature is a banana, greater concentration of Tumor Necrosis Factor will have. It is believed that the number of defenses and white cells can increase up to 8 times, compared with bananas which are green or fresh.
Do other benefits bring ripe bananas?
Having anticancer compounds should be reason enough to include them more regularly in the diet. However, so they aren't you doubt, are other important benefits that you get to eat bananas ripe.Good digestive health
A medium banana contains up to 3 grams of fiber, which helps the intestinal operation and facilitates the movement of food through the digestive tract. It is a natural source of electrolytes, which often get lost when we have diarrhea. Also contain Prebiotics compounds such as fructooligosaccharides, which help to keep the good bacteria in the body.It improves cardiovascular health
Being rich in potassium, ripe bananas decrease the concentrations of sodium, which can cause fluid retention and affect the health of the heart. In an analysis of 11 studies published in the journal "Journal of the American College of Cardiology", determined that people who introduced potassium -rich foods in your diet reduced the risk of accident cerebrovascular and coronary artery disease.
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