Benefits that coffee gives to your health

Beneficios que el café le aporta a tu salud
Coffee is a beverage more consumed in the world, and despite the fact that many say that their consumption can have negative effects on health, research has found that this is not entirely true, and that Conversely, coffee consumption may have great health benefits.
According to experts in this food, the fact that coffee has caffeine, does not mean that its consumption is bad for the health. Take it in moderation can have very good effects, because we have to take into account that the coffee is also a rich source of other substances such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, among others.
When the coffee consumed in the morning, your first benefit is help us to wake up. Its caffeine contents act as a stimulant on the central nervous system , which improves the awakening, the concentration and active movement. would like to know the coffee health benefits?

It reduces the risk of diabetes

Research has found that people who drink three to four cups of coffee a day, have 25% less chance of developing diabetes type II. That Yes, it should be noted that this only works as long as sugars are not used to sweeten it.

You can reduce muscle pain

Coffee is one of the best allies against subsequent exercise headaches. The studies found that drinking two cups of coffee can reduce muscle pain after a training session, up to 50%.

It is rich in antioxidants

The coffee is the sixth of 50 foods and beverages that represent a rich source of antioxidants. These properties help to protect the body from cell damage that can cause free radicals, which are molecules that enter our body already It is the result of pollution, poor diet and poor metabolism, among others. These molecules cause degeneration of the cells and may cause diseases such as cancer, strokes, cardiovascular problems, among others.

It is digestive

Coffee compounds help to stimulate active, gastric secretion of bile production and the contraction of the gallbladder. By this property, consume coffee after meals can promote digestion.

It reduces the risk of cancer

Cancer de mama
Thanks to its high content of antioxidants, the coffee has been positive even by 50% in the prevention of liver, cancer of the colon, breast and prostate cancer.

It is a stimulant of the brain

Numerous studies have found that people who frequently consume coffee, reduce risks of up to half cognitive impairment. This drink is allied to our intelligence, our memory and overall mental health. Drink 3-5 cups of coffee a day can help reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease up to 65%.

It is a skin Exfoliator

In addition to promoting our health domestically, coffee is also an ingredient that supports the health of our skin helping to remove dead cells, and also for their detoxifying power also helps to tone it and give it more vociferously.

Combats premature aging

Being rich in antioxidants, coffee also helps to combat premature aging, promoting the health of the skin and at the same time fighting problems like cellulite.

It protects the liver

Coffee that we take to revive after a night of partying, has more benefits that only help lift the binge. According to investigations, moderate coffee consumption helps to reduces the risk of developing problems such as cirrhosis, which is a condition that can lead to the complete liver failure.

To take into account...

It is proven that the coffee and its properties can have many health benefits that we can leverage through its moderate consumption (maximum 5 cups per day). However, so that their effects are quite good and effective, it is important to pay attention to their companions such as milk, cream or the amount of sugar, since these aggregates can reduce their effects.
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