Anyone can get angry. That is something very simple. But angry with the right person, in the exact, timely degree, for the right purpose and in the right way, that, certainly, is not so simple
For several years we have been hearing repeatedly the importance of developing and squeezing our emotional intelligence. However, we are so saturated with the concept that ultimately only we know there are a lot of skills that we have to achieve, but we don't know if we are on the right track or if already only we must strive to keep them.
Emotionally intelligent people have a great capacity to manage their feelings and those of others properly. The truth is that the fact of be emotional beings and, in addition, be smart may seem quite complicated. However, this depends largely on of how to consider it our goals.
All, without exception, can go on a wick inside us that will help us to control our emotions, set limits and break down undesirable emotional barriers.
For this reason, to make it more simple, this article I have wanted to bring the habits that tend to be emotionally intelligent people.
1. the emotionally intelligent people know themselves
The emotionally intelligent people are able to understand the causes that lead them to feel one way or another. Them properly identify the location and the source of their feelings, by better managing conflicts and difficult moments.
This is not an easy task, since our emotional life can become very complicated. In fact, find what makes us strong such as anger, fear or joy emotion is particularly difficult.
2. the emotionally intelligent people make decisions
The emotionally intelligent people are also afraid, but do not precipitate decisions. On the other hand, they weigh their options and the consequences of each possible decision.
Having our developed emotional intelligence will help us to recognize and assume our responsibility, thus drawing plans to get what you want in life.
3. the emotionally intelligent people manage their emotions
Daniel Goleman and other scholars of the subject, awareness is one of the pillars of emotional intelligence. This ability is to know to recognize our States of mind, emotions, and feelings.
In addition, the self-consciousness also means being aware of how our States of mind influence others. Manage our emotional resources is a fundamental part of emotional intelligence.
Regulate our emotions is in tune with the establishment of healthy relationships, both with each other and with our interior space. Be aware of what we feel allows us be we who govern our emotions, and not the other way around.
4. the emotionally intelligent people empathize
Emotions are contagious. All we know it by experience. After a coffee with a friend, you feel good. When you touch a receptionist rude at a store, you're feeling bad
Daniel Goleman
The empathy or the ability to put in the place of the other is a pillar of emotional intelligence. Know what you feel others facilitates the relationship and the management of the various interpersonal situations that may occur.
We can neutralize our senses, but we are not able to escape us of own and others ' emotions. On the other hand, persons skilled in the handling of the emotions very well control this dimension.
5. the emotionally intelligent people open your heart
Openness and trust in our relationships is an indicator that is essential that we are people with a high degree of emotional intelligence. IE open ourselves and leave aside reservations is beneficial for cementing healthy relationships.
In addition, being emotionally working allows not only feel and manage our emotions adequately, but to express them and transmit them correctly.
6. the emotionally intelligent people are highly motivated to carry out their projects
Although they are nervous when it comes to making a change in their lives, they know that fear management is the key to success. Take a leap and make the change, they know that they can make your life better and that makes them one step closer to the achievement of its objectives.
In addition, since properly manage their emotions, they can tolerate high levels of frustration and delay gratification in order to achieve its long-term goals.
7. the emotionally intelligent people are responsible for their life
Self-acceptance and self-confidence help us to raise awareness and to recommit ourselves to ourselves. In other words, we are responsible for our joys and our misfortunes; Therefore, the burden of solving our issues up to us exclusively.
How can we improve our emotional intelligence?
There is zero correlation between IQ and emotional empathy. They are controlled by different parts of the brain
Daniel Goleman
There is no direct relationship between what we mean by academic intelligence and emotional intelligence. A person may be highly intelligent and have excelled in school but, however, do not stress in your life.
It is very important to understand that emotional intelligence is not the opposite of intelligence. It is not the triumph of the heart over the head, but the intersection of both in one spot.
Thus, in everyday life, we can carry out various actions to achieve a greater understanding of our emotions:
- Conocerte yourself. Ask yourself questions, questions your behaviors and reflects on your values. Daily exercise of introspection will mark a before and an after in your emotional self.
- Regulates emotions. Let's say that this is not simple; However, it is worth working on controlling our emotions, both positive and negative. If you feel that you are calling you, take your time as soon as possible and stay away from the situation for a few moments. Don't forget that only you have control over your life and your behaviors and emotions.
- Empathize with others. Put yourself in the place of the people surrounding you, even that you is not nice. In this way, you will understand that each has its history, which might help you cope with difficult situations better.
- Seeks your motivation every day. Waking up every morning with the hope of moving forward in your life. Great achievements are made of small successes, do not forget.
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