The squats help us to tone the buttocks and legs and allow us to burn fat. We will perform a routine of 30 days, and we will be increasing the number of repetitions

Wouldn't a woman love have some firm buttocks? The problem is not always we have available a series of effective exercises to achieve our objective. Pay attention to various options of 10 minutes to have buttocks firm routine and start to get ready for summer and holidays on the beach.
Challenge: A month of squats for perfect buttocks
If you want that your buttocks are shaped in a short time, the squats are one of the exercises that have Yes or Yes included in any routine. To be able to carry them out, pay attention to these steps:- 1 - stand and separate legs, approximately until the feet are on the same imaginary line to the shoulders.
- 2-always with your back straight, bend the knees and lower the tail, as wanting to touch the ground with her.
- 3hold for a few seconds, without bringing the torso forward.
- 4 - return to original standing position, without closing the legs.
- This is considered a simple squat. Then you can go forward and making them more complex, for example, with weights or jumping instead of keeping you standing (but therefore lack a little, not us advance).

This plan of 1 month full doing squats will help you have the butt you've always dreamed of. When you find yourself in the mirror, caressed your figure and it will not give you anything of shame wear bikini, shorts or a short skirt in summer, is that you're going to the beach, River, mountain, or stay in the city.
The routine of 30 days consists of exercises of squats daily, with 7 days of rest in total and a progressive increase in the number of repetitions. Write down this plan and follow it to the letter:
- Day 1:50 squats.
- Day 2:55 squats.
- Day 3: 60 sit-ups.
- Day 4: rest.
- Day 5: 70 squat.
- Day 6: 75 sit-ups.
- Day 7: 80 sit-ups.
- Day 8: rest.
- Day 9: 100 squats.
- Day 10: 105 squats.
- Day 11: 110 squats.
- Day 12: rest.
- Day 13: 130 squats.
- Day 14: 135 squats.
- Day 15: 140 squats.
- Day 16: rest.
- Day 17: 150 squats.
- Day 18: 155 squats.
- Day 19: 160 squats.
- Day 20: rest.

- Day 21: 180 squats.
- Day 22: 185 squats.
- Day 23: 190 squats.
- Day 24: rest.
- Day 25: 220 squats.
- Day 26: 225 squats.
- Day 27: 230 squats.
- Day 28: rest.
- Day 29: 240 squats.
- Day 30: 250 sit-ups.

More exercises that can help you to strengthen the glutes
Once you have spent the first month of training (still missing for the summer, don't worry), can opt to build a more comprehensive routine, i.e. with several exercises.Pay attention to the different exercises you can apply in a routine to harden the buttocks:
- Lunges or strides: you have to remember two rules of gold in this exercise. The first is that balance gives it always straight and the second is that the knee should not pass the imaginary line from the tip of the foot. To do so, it starts standing. It takes a step forward with the right foot and flexes the knee, lowering the tail and slightly bending the left leg. He returns to the starting position and repeat with the other leg. This is a complete repeat.
- Bridge: You have to lie face up on the mat or on the floor. Raise the pelvis toward the ceiling, squeezing the glutes and ABS. The soles of the feet are flat on the floor and your arms to the sides of the body.
- Extension of hips: in opposite direction to the previous year. It supports your forearms, knees and feet on the mat or floor probe. Lift right leg up or get a kind of donkey, back kick. He returns to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.

- Jumping Jacks (separation of legs jumping): It pays much attention to this as effective exercise for buttocks. Start standing, with arms to the sides of the body. Then he takes a leap and open your legs as much as you can. Meanwhile, raising the arms over the head and gives a slap. It returns to the initial position.
- Jump rope 5 minutes to warm up the body and, at the same time, ensure that your thighs and legs sweat a little. Try to gradually increase the intensity and rhythm of movement every one minute.
- The second exercise are the squats (Yes, again). But on this occasion, are 4 sets of 15 reps each.
- The third exercise of the routine are strides: 4 series of 15 repetitions. Once you've already practiced long enough, the drop a dumbbell, can go making it difficult to rise for example.
- For the fourth year you have to support the knees and palms of your hands on the floor or mat and elevate the legs up and back, first one and then the other. Perform 4 sets of 15 reps.
- Finally, the bridge. Also 4 sets of 15 reps. You can hinder the exercise by placing a dumbbell in your belly.
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