Cytology or PAP test is a test that the gynecologist performs women to analyze the State of the cell walls of the cervix and detect possible diseases early, particularly cervical cancer.
In this article we explain what cytology, how it's performed and why it is important that we carry out it periodically, as well as the relationship between Human Papilloma Virus and cervical cancer.
What is it?
In this test a small sample of tissue from the lower part of the uterus is taken with a brush and with the aid of a Speculum and a spatula. This show will be subsequently analyzed in the laboratory to rule out the presence of atypical cells.The test is usually uncomfortable, but not painful, and it is important to be relaxed to make it less annoying as possible.
Why should you do it?
Cytology enables us to diagnose any kind of abnormality in cells or walls of the cervix, and one of its big advantages in time ands the possibility of detecting early cervical cancer as soon as possible.Should make it as too late from the age of 21, or after sexual intercourse, with the regularity of a once a year or that our gynecologist tell us, according to our case and age.
If detected an anomaly in the laboratory would be required additional tests, that the gynecologist according to the results of the Pap smear, history of previous Pap smears and risk factors would determine to suffer from cervical cancer that we will see below.
About cervical cancer
As mentioned, the main objective is to rule out the existence of cancerous or precancerous cells on the bottom and close of the uterus, known as cervix. In the majority of cases, this cancer is associated with human papilloma virus (HPV), which is transmitted sexually. This virus causes changes in the cells that can transform into malignant cells and tumors later. These tumors should treat them as soon as possible to avoid that they invade other tissues and organs.On the other hand, tumors may appear in other cases but benign, in the form of polyps, cysts, or genital warts.
It is also important to note that many women have been infected by HPV at some point in their lives, and that does not mean that you go to a cancer. Only in cases in which infection is permanent, does not disappear, may cause cancer of the cervix in some women.
Also will influence that other risk factors, such as:
- Regular consumption of tobacco
- Suffering from HIV either have an immune system debilidado
- Treatment prolonged based on birth control pills
- Having a family history who have suffered cancer or
- Having given birth more than three times
- Excessively acidifying food
- Lifetime exposure to toxic products or environments

About the HPV vaccine
In recent years it has given to the HPV vaccine, which is recommended for girls from the age of nine. In many schools are vacundando to children of these ages.Without, however, there have been cases of minor and serious vaccine reactions and still its long-term effects are not known, and is therefore recommended to assess it with prudence and according to each case.
In any case, cytology is also a way to prevent cervical cancer, and if we make it usually also can prevent major damage.
Recommendations prior to cytology
- In the hours before the cytology is recommended not to perform Vaginal Douches, sexual intercourse or using tampons.
- Unable to perform cytology during menstruation, but if it comes we suddenly just before the test will be consulted with the gynecologist prior cancel it.
- Always the possibility of being pregnant if the patient believes it must tell the gynecologist
- We have to tell the gynecologist previously any medication or treatment that we are working.
- It is recommended to urinate prior to testing.
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