Respect for one's self is the basis of self-esteem. In this article we tell you how you can strengthen this assessment and the perception that you have about yourself

It is very important for our relationship to personal, family and work to have a well defined and strengthened, self-esteem since if we want to and we respect ourselves, we can do it with other people, but if you don't want to or you do respect you same, how you can love and respect other people? or who you will respect if not yourself believe you deserve respect?
21 tips to increase your self-esteem

- Always used positive responses and statements to make note and make you feel that you're worth much. Each person in particular has an incalculable value, something that you can't buy or pay any amount of money, you should be aware your worth much more than that.
- Never compare yourself with other people, or feel inferior to nobody, you're worth what you are and how you are, not to be like so-and-so or seem to zutano.
- It is very easy to confuse self-esteem with arrogance, this feel it people who feel superior to others, a feeling that is not pleasant for those who are witnessing it since it is too shocking.
- Seeks to propose you goals with the full assurance that you will be able to reach them, you have to be fully convinced of the ability you have to achieve what you propose.
- Tries to recognize both your strengths as your weaknesses, don't be afraid to ask for help if the sores need, this is not any sign of weakness, all otherwise, is strong who knows to recognize that you can't do something only and sometimes you need a little help to achieve a purpose.
- Optimism makes everything look much easier than it actually is, that optimistic people are winners, since they achieved their goals overcoming the obstacles one by one and always thinking positively.
- Do not forget that the envy and jealousy reach your life, these are two feelings that can destroy your life and that of those who surround you. Each person has a way of being and feeling, therefore there are no to envy the life or the way of being of those who are around us.
- It is important that you receive in a simple and friendly praise that you make, surely are very well deserved.
- Performed exercise regularly, this will help you to have a healthy mind and body in perfect condition both health and appearance.
- Try to spend at least one hour during the day to reflect or meditate on the events in your everyday life, this is very useful to help remedy some issues do not have very clear or that are not giving you the satisfaction that you expect.
- Try to sleep the hours needed to have a good performance and a healthier life.
- As well as dedicated the time required to work with the household chores, is important to devote a little time to go out and have fun healthy.
- Don't let negative feelings to get to you, avoid the resentments, not keep them, expressing them and seeks to heal them.
- Try to maintain a good relationship with people who are in your environment, is friendly, helpful, in a few words is how you want that to be treated yourself.
- Healthy, eating a balanced diet is essential for the proper functioning of the body and mind.
- Stay away from people who try to make you feel that you're little, are a proper company.
- Whenever you have the opportunity, go to a park or any other site where you can enjoy nature.
- Whenever something goes well, you recognize it and give it the value that it deserves, is important that you know everything you can achieve.
- Learn to recognize your mistakes, not prestes importance to those who try to reject you for this reason, learn how to correct them, and never try to hide them. Remember that every error we learn and who makes mistakes acquires experience.
- Learn to love actually as you are, do not try to disguise your feelings or your way of being.
- He is to get away from the past, lives the now, the future has either too since nobody knows for sure what will happen, therefore not worth worrying about that.
- You not responsible to anyone of your mistakes, accept them and seeks to address them, is much more healthy to throw guilt to someone who actually has nothing to do.
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