Except for aloe vera, it is recommended not to use these remedies during the day, with the Sun can cause more spots.

Spots on the hands usually appear with age. But there are also other factors that favour its appearance, such as the Sun. As we all know, our natural beauty remains fairly, and sometimes we spend enough money on treatments to remove these imperfections. Do you want to know then easier and more economic remedies?
1 gel of aloe vera or Aloe Vera

You know that our hands are very exposed to the external aggressions. Weather, Sun and dryness can make appear these dark spots that arise that we realize and that, little by little, are made more visible. Give us an image of older, fragility and hands are soon before our eyes, less beautiful.
If you apply every day a bit of aloe vera gel, get that skin will regenerate slowly. This natural juice allows us to treat the skin of the hands, take care of them, we tonificaremos them and we mitigate stains. It is the best remedy and the most useful in our day to day. It will protect you from the Sun and prevent premature aging of your hands.
2 lemon juice

Lemon juice is a natural ingredient that is widely used since ancient times to perform a simple miracle: whiten the skin. With it you atenuarás stains from hands little by little. For this reason, it is essential you do it at night. If the sun comes into contact with our soaked in lemon skin, it is very negative.
So, do the following: mix the juice of half a lemon with two slices of cucumber. We will pass these slices of cucumber moistened with lemon on their hands, leaving to act 20 minutes. Then, wash your hands with normality.
3. apple cider vinegar

Another as wonderful as cash tip. We are insurance that at home have Apple Cider vinegar, I know its great benefits. As well, this time we will be useful to mitigate the stains of hands.
And what is what we have to do? Very easy. Take a tablespoon of vinegar of Apple and mix it with another tablespoon of cream moisturizing. Which you use for your hands normally. Massage for 10 or 15 minutes and leaves acting all the night. Is very practical to eliminate the stains of the hands.
4. hydrogen peroxide

We must be careful with this remedy. There are people who do not respond well front to hydrogen peroxide, produces them itching and irritation. You must be yourself who see if you can use it or not. The way of doing so is simple: by night take a damp algodoncito with hydrogen peroxide, then pass it through our hands leaving it to absorb. We will allow to act, again all night.
As you can see, most of these tips apply in the evening, that way protect the hands from the effects of the Sun. Only Aloe Vera will give us true protection against the Sun's rays. Don't hesitate to try these simple remedies to reduce stains from your hands.
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