Remedies for cramps in the legs

Remedios para los calambres en las piernas
Cramps. They come suddenly with his Lash of pain, crippling us with this electrical contraction which can last for long seconds. Everyone has happened once, but according to studies, there are people who happens most often, especially in the legs. Is there any way of preventing them, get rid of them when for example assail us at night? We will explain you.

Causes of the occurrence of cramps in the legs

Cramps occur when our muscles contract so sharply and involuntarily. But what causes it? It happens primarily for the following reasons:
  • By an imbalance of electrolytes (sodium, potassium, calcium or magnesium...). A few minerals that we suffer a decompensation sometime in our life, in fact it is very common for example women to suffer lower rate of calcium and magnesium, that is why we padezcamos them almost more than men.
  • Circulation problems.
  • Problem of function of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism).
  • Our nutrition problems, are those moments in which we suffer some kind of deficit, such as calcium, potassium or magnesium...
  • Diabetes, especially in moments in suffer from hypoglycemia.
  • Foot problems: flat feet, PES cavus, Fasciitis plantar...
  • Obviously the positions in which us and when it comes to sport, will determine how it is normal for us to suffer cramps. But in our case we will focus more on the assumption that suffer a mineral or a circulatory, problems to get to know remedies that can help us.

Remedies for cramps in the legs

1 beetroot and Apple juice

This healthy juice contains one mixture of more than ideal of sodium, potassium and calcium that restore the deficit of these essential minerals. It is suitable to you take it throughout the week always at your main meal, either before or during. It is also healthy, diuretic and satiating, a perfect remedy to compensate for any nutritional deficit in our body and thus avoid the pesky leg cramps.
  • 3 stalks of celery
  • 1 teaspoon of Spirulina
  • 1 Apple
  • 1 beet
You don't have more than wash and peel the Apple and beet and the celery, in order then to Blender ingredients. Remember also to dissolve the spirulina with a bit of juice before mixing with the other ingredients, this way we obtain a more homogeneous mixing. It is enough with a glass a day.

2 ideal juice to start the day

Jugos depurativos
Vitamin C, calcium, potassium, magnesium... all these elements are essential to meet the need of the muscles to be strong and healthy, avoid those pesky cramps that come suddenly not be practicing an exercise, but because of weakness, by circulatory problems. Sometimes only begin to walk in the morning to go buy, or to lie down at night, we feel that tingling in legs that let us know now are going to suffer a cramp. Thus, it is essential that you strenghthen your nutritional contributions. Notes:
  • 3 stalks of celery
  • Medium cucumber
  • A kiwi
  • Half grapefruit or grapefruit juice.
Can that the flavor seems at first a bit strange. But if you add half cup of fresh water and a little honey, you will be much tastier. You don't have to blend all the ingredients, before peeling kiwi and cucumber, also before obtaining the grapefruit juice. Mezcalo well with the half a cup of cool water and take it on your breakfast. You will be very-very well.

3 juice medicinal and nutritive for before going to sleep

Jugo de tomate
This juice is very suitable to take it at night, perfect to go to preventing these nocturnal cramps late in the day. It has calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium and vitamin C, ideal to make up any shortfall. Take it while you're dining, the flavor is very special and it will make you feel good.
  • 3 leaves of cabbage
  • 3 sprigs of dill
  • 4 leaves of spinach
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • 1 peeled tomato
To prepare it remember to wash thoroughly all parts of vegetables, then, take them to the Blender along with half a glass of water. Get a good homogeneous mixture and sees while drinking her dinner. It is a nutritional supplement that you will help you to avoid cramps.

Tips for preventing night leg cramps

masajes en las piernas
It would be very appropriate that before going to sleep you give a relaxing bath with hot water. When finished, carried out a small massage of ten minutes on each leg with the help of essential oil of romero. Rosemary is perfect to facilitate proper circulation in the legs, also acting as a painkiller.
When you lie down in bed, it is also highly recommended to have legs slightly more elevated with respect to the body, so if you put a cushion under them, you'll see how rest better and not they attacked you so often terrible cramps. Remember that, to improve your circulation you should always follow a proper diet and get some exercise.
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