Natural remedies for gas in stomach

Chamomile and anise teas taken regularly can help to relax the stomach and reduce discomfort caused by gases
Remedios naturales para eliminar los gases
One of the major problems of the digestive system are the flatulence or stomach, gases which may be caused by a large number of reasons. This problem also affects many people regardless of age.
Among the reasons that there is a problem of stomach gases generate are, for example: eating too much spicy food, suffer from stress (produces much acid), sucking much air while the foods you are eating. Similarly, gases and their unpleasant odours may be caused by different foods that we consume on a daily basis and that falling US heavy can cause this reaction.

What can cause us gas?


Whole milk is a great producer of gases, there are people who are very sensitive to this food and can not eat it. Take one that is lactose-free or skim, thus avoiding this problem.


People who suffer from constipation are more likely to have episodes of flatulence or gas since that most often their transit intestinal is too slow and have much accumulation of waste in your body.

Home remedies for controlling the production of gases

Ginger root

Jengibre cabello
Drink ginger tea, take a teaspoon of ginger grated before meals or add small amounts of dry or fresh ready meals helps effectively to control and alleviate the problem of stomach gases.

The seeds of caraway

This is a spice that can be added to meals that can generally cause gas, these seeds have the ability to stimulate the correct digestion avoiding gas and cramping that they can produce.


El ajo contiene entre sus ingredientes dos productos principales que se encargan de actuar en favor de la salud, se trata de la alicina y el sulfuro dialilo.
Garlic contains among its ingredients two main products that are responsible for acting in favour of health, about allicin and diallyl sulfide.
Garlic is another food that can be used as a home remedy very useful to improve digestion and control stomach gases, so that their effect is expected is important to eat it fresh, either alone or added to food as one condiment more.

Dandelion tea

This is a very common medicinal plant with numerous benefits for many health problems, these benefits can find those related to digestion, since drinking tea just before main meals prevents excess gases, also you can add to already prepared food as a spice to spice them, this has to be dried and crushed.


Parsley, either fresh or dried, in food is a very effective home remedy to control the production of gas in the intestine.

Activated carbon

Carbon can absorb the air found in the intestines and causing flatulence, it is recommended to take this supplement before meals, this prevents the formation of gases.

Lemon juice

The lemon has a lot of healing properties that can be applied to a number of diseases, particularly those having to do with the digestive tract, if we adopt the habit of taking the juice of lemon before and after every meal we can notice an almost immediate change in gas production.

Camomile tea

Chamomile tea has the ability to relax the stomach, helping in this way to prevent the formation of large quantities of gases, improving the digestive activity of a natural and effective way.

Aniseed infusion

Anise has the great ability to put an end to the gas and stomach pain that these can cause, for this is left to boil a cup of water, low fire and add a tablespoon of anise powder, is set aside and is drunk. This preparation must be done every day, thus reducing the gases that occur in the intestines.

Other recommendations

Eat foods that contain probiotics

The consumption of foods that contain probiotics and Probiotic supplements is a great idea to improve the symptoms of gases, and also help to maintain the good health of the colon and the entire organism in general.

Hot compresses

If we have a great accumulation of gases that we can not disposed of in any way, we can heat a good amount of water in which we will introduce a towel, which will remove the excess water and place it on your abdomen this process again it until they relax the abdomen and pains disappear.
As you can see there are many ways to prevent and relieve stomach gases, what you have to do is to decide what is the treatment that best suits you make and do so constantly to have the expected results. You'll surely notice the improvement immediately!
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