Cellulite is the "curse" of the majority of women, the fat in the form of orange peel which is hosted in our body and which is so hard to get rid. Are we perhaps resort to surgery? At all. A correct feeding, exercise, will and the help of the following medicinal plants will help you reduce the annoying cellulite. try it?
Reduce cellulite with medicinal plants
Have to be realistic, eliminate cellulite completely is almost impossible. But we can reduce it and shape a little more our muscles, lowering the rate of fat and tighten the legs. All this will make the skin of Orange be soften and lower some carvings. Eliminate cellulite is therefore very complicated, but these plants are a complement to ideal and magnificent that help us each day along with a proper diet and some exercise.Before that nothing should know that cellulite, has a marked genetic component. It is clear that a wrong diet or a sedentary lifestyle are also strong determinants, but hereditary factor also weighs much, hence we should confront the cellulite from very early. How? With a life sound, with exercise and with the help of certain plants that will serve as a helpful complementary, and that will allow us to reduce the orange peel. We explain it!
1. the wonders of Asian centella

The first step that we must take into account is to detoxify the skin. We think that it is almost like a sponge that everything absorbs it, hence the need to start taking an infusion that will allow us to go burning fat and detoxifying both. And a wonderful plant to achieve this is without a doubt the gotu Kola: warms the body, improves circulation and metabolism... all this is thanks to an active ingredient called forskolin, which helps move the fat cells from the sites where they are stuck... How to resist us?
You can find it at natural stores as ' H " " Asian idrocotile", there are usually expensive and sold them in fairly large bags ready for infusions. We don't have to put a cup of water to a boil, pour the equivalent of one tablespoon and allow it to boil. Let stand 5 minutes, strain and drink very little by little. You can take it twice a day, after your main meals. Be constant and you'll see results.
2 dandelion

One of the plants with more properties to eliminate cellulite is the dandelion. You know it, in our space you have spoken many times of the. It is ideal to strengthen el liver, and not only that, their compounds are excellent for assimilation of fats and promote circulation, especially in the legs, so we are going to come perfect to go down cellulite on the legs. Dandelion, remember that it is also a plant with diuretic properties, and has a good laxative effect.
To take a good infusion of dandelion, we will put about 5 leaves to a boil in a cup of water. Let sit and take your breakfast and after your lunch. If you wish, you can also put some leaves on your salads, it has a bitter taste but it is very proper and healthy. Enjoy it.
3. the ponytail

Do you know ? It's a very-widely used for diets medicinal plant, to eliminate toxins, to remove fluid and purge harmful elements of our body. Removes fat and promotes circulation. It is simply magnificent. The ponytail can both find it in pharmacies as in natural stores, it is very easy to make and is quite economical. It is worth taking it daily. You can take it with 3 times a day, putting the equivalent of a teaspoon in a cup of water boiling. You can always add a little lemon juice, achieving thus increase its properties. You'll love the flavor.
4. the horse-chestnut

Exceptional. You've talked about it many times in our space of the horse chestnut. It's the ideal plant to reduce varicose veins - and even eliminate them -, to promote circulation, reduce hemorrhoids, cellulite and combat any inflammation of the blood vessels. It is almost a miracle. It is a tree which are used above all the bark, branches and leaves. But the greatest medicinal interest focuses on its seeds, recalls, especially its seeds, since they contain an element called aescin, that allows us to promote circulation and work at levels that you have previously commented: hemorrhoids, varicose veins and cellulite.
In stores and natural pharmacies can find it either in capsules, creams and prepared ready for infusion. We recommend creams and, of course, the infusionis. These are elaborate lists to take from the seeds, already debugged and ready so you put a spoonful into boiling water. Let it come to a boil and allow to stand. The flavor is peculiar, if you wish you can add a bit of lemon or a tablespoon of honey, will be much more tasty.
The ideal is to have a single Cup in your breakfast, in general it is very effective, but we must warn you that if you are taking any oral anticoagulant, it is better to not consume this tea or if anything, consult your doctor. But in general, if the shots every day you'll see as your circulation improves, and if you lead a life, this infusion will help you reduce cellulite. check it out!
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