The accumulation of salts (in usual form of oxalates), produce kidney stones kidney can not remove properly. In the event that these estimates are small or concerned grit (small rocks), is not needed to perform surgery.
Natural treatments
Natural treatments that are based on herbal infusions are usually give excellent results and in some cases exceed the synthetic drugs indicated to remove the stones (in the case that are small enough to not obstruct the urinary tract through them).Many times it is recommended to combine both treatments (the drug and the home) for best results. In any case, infusions prepared at home are natural and do not present contraindications, whenever they are taken in the right dosage and often as suggested.
Infusion to remove kidney stones with ponytail
It horsetail has a high content of potassium and by that reason helps producing urine. This brings as a consequence the facilitation of expulsion of stones or grit of the organism.Preparation of infusion: mix herbs ponytail, polygonum bistorta, barberry-pastor in equal parts bag. The infusion is performed using a level tablespoon for each cup of water. The best time to take this infusion to eliminate kidney stones is in fasting. If improvements are not listed after a few days of this treatment, also should be repeated the process on the night. I.e., it is recommended, in this case, consume a Cup in the morning, get up, and another Cup before retiring to the night's sleep.
Infusion to favour the Elimination of small kidney stones with St. John's wort
To prepare this tea need to mix in equal parts the following herbs: St. John's wort, Rosemary, tormentil, Birch and Heath. To prepare herbal tea you have to use two teaspoons of this mixture dessert. Should preferably be in the morning (a cup) and, if necessary, you can take another one again in the night.
Infusions to treat grit in the kidney with bearberry (uva ursi)
The existence of stones or grit often causes a urinary tract infection, which, in turn, on many occasions, can be complicated by the formation of bacterial colonies. Uva ursi or bearberry works as an antiseptic for urinary tract infections. The following medicinal infusions combine it with other diuretic plants that help eliminate kidney stones.First infusion: mix 15 grams of bearberry, 15 grams of melisa, 15 grams of water clover and 25 grams of Basswood. Prepare a tea with a spoonful of this mixture. Take a daily cup (or two, if necessary).
If hypotensive, keep in mind that Linden is a strong hypotensive (generates a decrease in blood pressure), so you must consume this infusion considering this situation and before consulting with your doctor.
Second infusion: prepare an infusion by mixing 20 grams of bearberry (uva ursi), 20 grams of Sage, 10 grams of lovage (monte celery) and 10 grams of Mint. The tea is prepared using one tablespoon of mix per cup of water. The propitious time to drink this tea is in the morning, on an empty stomach.
If you suffer from stones in the kidney or grit, you should start taking these infusions, since their consumption could mean you a remarkable improvement of your problem. In addition, these natural teas do not counteract the effect of medications that your doctor has prescribed you. On the contrary, in the majority of cases these teas help alleviate negative symptoms and achieve the expulsion of stones and gravel which are found in the kidney, affecting your health.
What are you waiting for preparing these infusions?
Note: the information provided on this site is informative and in no case is intended to replace personal consultation with a physician.
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