When we speak of a muscular tear we have the breakdown of the fibers that are inside of the tissues of the muscles, either partially or totally. People suffering from this painful condition say it feels as if it angered them more than one needle and, in many cases, arises with some degree of bleeding, since blood vessels that run through the party that has suffered the break, break.
These lesions usually occur when a physical activity that is a stretch that exceeds the capacity of the muscle, or when a violent and sudden; movement is made It also occurs with ease when trying to lift a weight far greater than that truly has the ability to resist. The medical condition may occur both when you start an activity as at the end. Muscle tears can occur much more frequently in the legs and back.
Muscles presenting more lesions

The calf muscles
When a tear occurs in the calf, the muscles that are injured are those of the lower part of the leg, these muscles have the function of helping to move and lift the heel.The quadriceps
When there is a tear in the quadriceps, the muscles that are affected are those in the front of the thigh. The main function of these muscles is the help to straighten the knee.The paravertebral muscles
When a lumbar tear occurs is that the muscles of the lower part of the back are broken. The main role played by these muscles is the hold the spine in place and capable of supporting the entire weight of the upper part of the body.Degree of tear
The muscle tear in first grade
It is called the extended muscle. The symptoms of this lesion are not very painful, since only about five percent of the muscle is damaged and there is a very large loss of strength in it. It is possible to get it feeling only slight discomfort.The muscle tear in second grade
The pain from this injury is a little stronger, in which the rupture of the muscle is not total, but yes it has affected much of it. This injury is very easy to feel to the touch, since you can touch a knot on the affected part. You feel much pain and muscle can contract, but only a little.The muscle tear in third grade
This time the muscle has suffered a very serious injury and it has started, literally, in two, and is impossible to get it since it causes too much pain. You can see that a large lump has formed under the skin. Surgery is needed to correct the damage.A muscle tear treatment
- Immediately feel pain there is to stop the activity that is being performed, this way can be avoided that the problem is greater.
- Stay a while at rest so the problem is more serious.
- Immediately the discomfort you feel trying to apply ice or a cold compress.
- It is very important to keep the muscle affected with a band.
- Try to raise the leg or high affected part with the help of a cushion.
- When the pain is much less is recommended to begin a rehabilitation program, this must be done with a professional, since that can be repeated easily injury.
How can I prevent muscle tears?

- As we have already said, it is very important to make a good warm-up before starting any physical activity, especially if this activity is not very often.
- When the exercise being carried out is about to end, it is important to lower the speed or intensity, since a tear may occur from fatigue or muscle exhaustion.
- It is important to be attentive and to any pain or pull that can be felt in any part of the body. suspend the activity.
- During the exercise, it is very important to consume sufficient quantities of hydrating drinks.
- Starting any exercise routine, it is very important to have patience and make progress little by little.
- Healthy eating plays a very important role in this case as in any other, it is good idea to include enough products that bring fiber to the body, which help maintain healthy and strong muscle fibers.
- It should bear in mind that these injuries must be addressed as soon as possible, i.e. by later seek medical care within forty-eight hours.
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