How to naturally control high cholesterol

To be able to control and lower cholesterol levels is essential to take a balanced diet, abandon bad habits such as tobacco or alcohol and exercise on a regular basis
Cómo controlar naturalmente el colesterol alto
Cholesterol is a fat, or also called lipid found naturally in our body, our body needs cholesterol to carry out many of its vital functions properly. This substance is present in the brain, liver, nerves, blood and bile, both of people and of animals, for which reason experts recommend avoiding the consumption of animal foods when you need to lower their cholesterol levels.
Our liver produces most of the cholesterol, while the other part is ingested through diet. Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol is what we know as bad LDL cholesterol, which is responsible for clogging our arteries, as is deposited in the artery walls, causing serious cardiovascular problems and other diseases. Cholesterol our body needs is known good HDL cholesterol, which is of high density lipoprotein which helps to return the bad cholesterol that clogs our arteries to the liver, to be disposed of in this way.
Although the cholesterol can be caused by various disorders or genetic factors, the majority of people tend to increase due to poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle. Is for this reason that to prevent and control high cholesterol, is important to changing certain habits of life and food.

Foods to control high cholesterol

As we mentioned before, food plays a very important role in the prevention and control of high cholesterol, since a healthy diet can help eliminate the bad LDL cholesterol, increasing levels of good HDL cholesterol. Then you mentioned the best foods to control cholesterol.


The consumption of vegetable fiber, especially soluble fiber, is essential to control high cholesterol, since it binds to fats and promotes their elimination through feces. This type of fibers are present in foods such as legumes, oats, barley, and fruits like Apple. The most recommended to lower cholesterol are oat bran and brown rice.


Experts recommend eating fish at least twice a week, since this food is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which is key to dissolve the bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Obviously there are other foods with omega 3 fatty acids, but the fish is one of the richest sources. Salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, herring and trout are recommended.

Olive oil

Aceite de oliva-remedios
Olive oil can help dissolve the bad cholesterol LDL, without modifying the levels of good HDL cholesterol. Experts recommend to eat 2 tablespoons of olive oil daily.

Fruit and vegetable juices

The juices of fruits and vegetables in mid-morning and afternoon snack, can also help to lower bad cholesterol levels. They can be prepared with vegetables and fruits, only with fruit or how you want it. What is important is to eat it fresh and preferably without sugar sweeteners.

Soy protein

Consumer Reports suggests that if newspapers consumed 25 grams of soy protein, you can lower cholesterol up to 10%. This portion would be equivalent to two or three servings of foods such as soy, tofu and soy bean milk.

Dried fruits and whole grains

frutos secos The Travelling Bum
The dried fruits and whole grains have an ingredient that inhibits the absorption of cholesterol from food. Every day eat 3 servings of the equivalent to one pound.

Healthy habits to control high cholesterol

Habits are also very important when it comes to controlling and preventing the bad cholesterol. Leading a healthy lifestyle, you will not only avoid the bad cholesterol, but that you will get a higher life quality.

It leaves the cigarette

Smoking decreases the levels of good HDL cholesterol, increasing the risk to form clots in the blood. Smokers tend to present serious problems such as atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke.

Avoid excessive alcohol consumption

Excessive alcohol increases the level of triglycerides in the blood and consumer makes a person more prone to cardiovascular disease. People who drink moderately have lower risk to suffer these problems.

Do exercise

Make regular physical activity helps to increase the levels of good HDL cholesterol, while it promotes the Elimination of bad LDL cholesterol. Experts recommend doing at least 30 minutes of daily exercise, 5 days a week. Obviously doing a routine longer to receive more benefits.

Eliminate junk food

All kinds of junk food consumption inevitably increases levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. You should avoid the consumption of potato chips, hamburgers, fried foods, food fried, breaded and breaded, sausages, fatty meats, oils, or any food with high content of saturated fat and "trans".
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