How to get rid of lice naturally

Remember the mayonnaise to smother the lice and eggs hatched, but not nits undeveloped. After rinsing with vinegar, you must pass a special comb and check the hair.
Cómo deshacerte de los piojos naturalmente
All children in the school or in the nursery need prevention of head lice. If it's too late and your child has lice, there is also the possibility to get rid of head lice naturally. No one wants to ever think about head lice, but even the cleanest child can take them home.
School, the playground, parties and day care are just a few of the places where a child can get head lice. Learn how to get rid of head lice naturally. To kill lice in a safe way and without poisons. It is bad enough that your son has come home from school with head lice, so you also have to add poison to your child's head.
Some lice products still are made with a poison that was banned for use on crops, most of the products against the lice, moreover, are flammable. Almost all of these products can cause terrible problems if you leave them too long, use them too often or if you apply them to a too-young child.
If you use any of these products commercial lice at least read each word in the instructions and follow them exactly. Alternatively, you can treat head lice naturally. Please read the entire article before you start with any natural remedy for head lice.

Kill insects

Lice can kill fast, easy, cheap and safe way with mayonnaise. Just get a new jar of mayonnaise in your kitchen or the grocery store shelf. Grab a handful (or several) of mayonnaise and cover with it throughout the hair of your son making sure to also cover behind the ears and at the nape.
You can cover your head with a plastic shower CAP to avoid mayonnaise dripping or falling on your furniture. Leave the mayonnaise to act for two hours in hair so you smother the lice and eggs developed. Then, remove the shower CAP and throw it in the trash, wash you hands with SOAP and shampoo thoroughly. You can wash two or more times with shampoo to get a clean hair.
If you don't have any mayonnaise also you can use vaseline and follow the same procedure. However, must be taken into account that in this case the only way to remove Vaseline from the hair is by spraying the hair with baby oil and rubbing his hair completely, then squeeze all you can. Then, wash the hair three times with shampoo and warm water.
Vaseline can be left in the evening if you wish, but this is not safe to do so with the mayonnaise because it is poisonous when not refrigerated, since your son can scratching your head while sleeping and then put the fingers in the mouth.
If no trust in mayonnaise or Vaseline to smother the lice, you can also make a natural shampoo to kill lice. To a base of five teaspoons of olive oil or coconut oil, add five drops of tea tree essentialoil, 5 drops of Rosemary essential oil, five drops of lavender essential oil, five drops of mint essential oil and five drops of essential oil of eucalyptus.
Adds a small amount of regular shampoo to the mixture and put it on the hair. Let stand it one hour under a towel or a bathing cap tight to avoid any dripping. Rinse the hair and do not use a conditioner at this stage, however, you will notice that the hair is very easy to comb after using this oily mixture.
  • 1) breath of a baby or child less than 5 years may slow down or even stop if peppermint oil or eucalyptus oil is sufficiently close so that baby does not breathe well.
  • (2) high blood pressure may be elevated by the Mint essential oil.
  • (3) the Mint or Rosemary can be harmful during pregnancy. You just use the recipe without the oil which can be harmful in every case.

Remove eggs

After shampooing, rinse the hair and scalp with vinegar. This loosens the glue that keeps the nits on the hair shafts. Rinse with water hot but not so hot that can burn your child.
Vinagre de manzana 3
Many of the nits (eggs) are removed by the drain after rinsing with vinegar, however, you will still have to deal with nits that are. Mayonnaise can not kill nits younger, since lice were not born in the interior and may still not have developed enough to still need air. Even if they did, schools and kindergartens will not allow children to return until nits are removed.
Comb all tangles of hair with a comb regular, then comb the hair with a comb to remove nits and lice. You can buy this in the warehouse of the drugstore or pharmacy, next to the lice shampoos.

Check out the hair

When you think you're done, use a good light to check thoroughly the hair once it is dry (nits are easier to see on dry hair). The nits are very small and do a kind of brightness in a certain angle. The nits are usually in the hair shaft itself, with the most recent just next to the scalp and the largest as one inch away from the scalp.
You will have to check the hair for small sections, especially around the edges of the hair, neck and behind the ears, although they can be anywhere. If you find any nits, you can pull them with your nails, dry hair with the comb or cut each hair containing a nit. Make sure you put each nit or hair in a container with vinegar or hot soapy water with added ammonia.

Another rinse

If you see more than one couple of nits, you can use a wrapper of vinegar to clean out the hair even more. Wet a towel with a mixture of half vinegar and half water, surrounds the head of the child with the towel and let stand for one hour. Allow the hair to dry and then checks if there are nits again.

The eyebrows and eyelashes

If there are nits on eyelashes or eyebrows, these can be covered well with Vaseline without damage. This must be reapplied four times a day.

Check again

You will have to check your hair every day to find the lost nits and those that have now become in large enough to see. If a nit continues, another louse could come out of the shell and you'd have to start the entire process again, since a single louse lays about eight new eggs per day.
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